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one year earlier


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Abby felt her eyes open slowly as they readjusted to the bright lights. 'Oh please don't be dead, please don't be dead.' She thought dryly to herself. 'That's a shitty first thought.'

She looked to her left and saw a man asleep in an armchair in the corner.

"Hey asshole." She whispered weakly.

He snapped his eyes open. He let himself come to a second and then moved straight to the bed and held her hand gently. "Hey. How do you feel?"

"I feel okay. I guess we should both be honest though, I got lucky. Getting shot twice? Maybe I should play the lottery."

"You didn't get lucky, Abby."

"No. You're just a good shot." She bit her lip and felt her eyes well up. "Ha. Well, that didn't take long." She removed her hand from his and wiped her eyes, groaning as she moved.

"Yeah. Can't say I blame you." Lawrence said softly. He looked like he wanted to say something else.

"What - what happened? With Spencer?" Her voice caught in her throat. "Did he - I mean - have you seen him? How long have I been out?"

"Uh, you still needed surgery, sorry about that. Although this time you really can't be pissed at me for it. But at least your scars match now." The two offered each other a meaningless smile, "It's been just under 24 hours."

She nodded. God, how much she wanted to call Spencer and tell him the truth. How she wished it was him here holding her hand and being the first face she saw, just like last time. She blushed as she remembered that was when he asked her out for the first time. But the giddy feeling soon turned to crying as she remembered what she'd done. "Oh, god." She buried her face in her hands as she cried, "What have I done to him, Tom? What have I done!" She didn't mean to but she couldn't help herself from screaming at him; not because she blamed her but because she blamed herself.

"Abby," Tom tried to comfort her, "You really didn't have a choice. You would've had to go into WITSEC anyway, you know that. Hall, he has men everywhere, the FBI included. Just because he was killed, wouldn't have meant it was over."

She eased at his words. But the guilt still burned her, like it actually hurt. And now with another permanent scar, she would be reminded of it, and Spencer, forevermore. "And Spencer?"

"Abby don't do this to yourself." He looked up at her and her pleading eyes and furrowed brow and sighed, "I don't know, I haven't seen him. I'm not exactly his favorite person right now. And I definitely wouldn't get myself any Brownie points if he knew I was involved in this."

silenced (Spencer Reid) book twoWhere stories live. Discover now