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warnings: SA/r*pe, violence, domestic a*use


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Abby followed Hotch, JJ and Morgan into the police station. They had decided in the car (and by they; Hotch) that JJ would talk to the second victim, Morgan the most recent and Abby and Hotch would speak to the first victim; Maylee Maden. They went off in different directions as they were guided by the local PD.

Hotch took a hold of Abby's upper arm lightly in the corridor outside of one of the side rooms in the station.

"Laurens," He started softly, "Are you sure you're okay to do this?"

She looked up at him, both of their eyes flicked quickly over the other's face. "Hotch, don't do this. Not now, please."

She went to walk away but he held on tighter, not so that he was hurting her but so that she couldn't walk off.

"Abby, if you need to take a backseat on this case-"

"I don't." She insisted firmly. "I am not talking about this right now."

He looked at her silently, reading all her needed from her face. "Okay. But we'll talk later."

She nodded but intended to avoid that conversation, no matter how much he ordered her too. She had managed to do so for 6 years. She knocked lightly on the door of the room and waited until she heard a quiet 'Come in' from the other side.

"Miss Maden?" Abby asked gently as her and Hotch slowly walked over to the couch opposite her. She didn't want to seem patronizing but at the same time she didn't want to be harsh or cold. Maylee nodded, indicating that it was okay for them to sit.

"Miss Maden, I'm Agent Hotchner and this is Agent Laurens we're with the FBI, is it okay if we ask you a few questions?"

She nodded again, her eyes were red and her cheeks were flushed but she wasn't crying, not at the moment anyway. Abby smiled at her empathetically, Maylee smiled back but Abby could see it in her eyes - the fear.

"Are you sure you don't want anyone here with you?" Abby asked.

"No." Maylee answered quickly, "I - I haven't spoken to my fiance about this yet and my - my sister is my only other family so..."

"Okay." Abby said softly. Her sister was currently speaking to JJ.

"Maylee, can you tell me what you remember about what you were doing before the attack?" Hotch asked, he was always very direct when questioning surviving victims but he was never rude or seemed like he was rushing them and so they trusted him easily.

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