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Supervisory Special Agent Abigail Laurens


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Abby pretty much ran back to the bullpen where she figured Luke was waiting - Spencer had walked off into the viewing room so she assumed Luke would be waiting for her in the bullpen. She was right. She knew he wouldn't be in the viewing room and if he was for any length of time he would've left the second they had Morag's confession.

He furrowed his eyebrows as she approached him; the pleasantries could wait until after the debrief. 

"How did it go?"

"We got everything."

"Good." His face relaxed but he still didn't smile, "Major Smith is waiting for us, as is Callaghan. We've got a hotel booked just for tonight. It's been a long day."

Abby sighed and hung her head, with everything that had happened since the warehouse, she completely forgot about Callaghan. "Yeah, you could say that." 

"Morag will be transferred, Major Smith is sending a secondary unit. He'll be held in protective custody in an unknown Military detention centre until he's sentenced and then he'll - more than likely - be sent to Guantanamo."

"Good." Abby replied simply. She was so tired. 

"You ready to go? I'll catch up with Agent Hotchner when we get back to the hotel, I am quite keen to get out of here."

Abby looked over her shoulder towards the viewing room guiltily, she didn't say it aloud but she had the same plan as Luke, concerning conversations with Hotch. "Yeah," She said sadly, "Let's go." 


Spencer opened the door to the viewing room where the rest of his team were waiting.

"Where's Abby?" Rossi asked when Spencer entered the room alone.

"We split up." Spencer felt like adding a 'quite literally' onto the end of that sentence but decided not to. "She had Luke to get back to."

"Spencer..." JJ trailed off.

"What? I should forgive her? Not blame her?"

"Okay, this is a circular conversation. We're all tired and none of us have been home in over a week." Hotch interrupted firmly.

"What happens to him now?" Morgan asked, directing his eyes over to the man in the adjoining room.

"Captain Woodbridge spoke to me briefly as soon as Morag confessed. He'll be sent to an unknown base for detention and then sentenced, more than likely, to Guantanamo."

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