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warning: brief talk of dismemberment (not in detail)


across state lines


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Spencer, and the rest of the team, sat in an eerie silence. Nobody knew what to say. 

"Tom Lawrence? Like the same Tom Lawrence who knew Abby, that Tom Lawrence?" It seemed appropriate that Spencer was the first to speak.

"I know this is a shock-" 

"Is it?" Spencer interrupted, "He was probably top on a number of terrorists 'to-do lists.' We can't be that surprised." 

"I know this is going to be a difficult case, it is going to be uncomfortable but we have to remain unbiased. The Director has agreed for us to work on this but only because he was ordered to by The Chief of the US army. The Director isn't happy about this."

"Why not? We were invited by local PD." Morgan asked confused.

"Because it's personal." Spencer said quietly, staring at the files in front of him, "Whether he was coerced or not, factually, Lawrence killed Abby. But we know he wasn't any more to 'blame' than Abby was for what happened in Iraq - and that was none at all. But the truth is, anybody who owed Hall a favour could've been responsible for this. You don't need to look at me like that," Spencer said firmly, feeling six pairs of eyes on him, "The person I blame for all of this is dead. He was shot 355 days ago." 


"There's still a lot to go through and I'm sure you all have more questions, we also haven't finished the briefing, but we'll have to do it on the plane. Detective Holloway is meeting us in California. Lawrence's body is also being transferred under protective custody. They have also managed to get a court order so the suspect is being transferred too, but once he is charged he will be sent back to Arizona for sentencing." Hotch looked at Garcia almost guiltily, knowing how much this distresses her, "It is easier for us to converge in California because it would be too difficult to move Wilks' body. The family also were keen for Wilks' to stay here, the court, thankfully, agreed."

There was a moment of silence, out of respect for both Wilks and Lawrence. 

"But it is going to take us at least 5 hours to get there which means we will then only have a few hours before the suspect is released. Wheels up. Now."

Just under five minutes later, Spencer was sat on the jet but his mind was totally elsewhere; he stared off into the distance thinking of Abby; wishing that she was sat next to him or opposite him. She would smile at him at the start of every case, telling him it was going to be okay. 

He was, intentionally, the first there, he just needed a minute to himself. Whilst he hadn't seen or even spoken to Lawrence since Abby's funeral he still thought of him often. It was hard not to think of the man who shot your girlfriend to death. 

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