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warnings: talk of dismemberment (not in detail particularly)


In The Mojave Desert


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Spencer sat in his car in the cold of the FBI parking lot, his hands had not yet left the steering wheel despite being parked for a good 5 minutes. 

Next week was the first anniversary of Abby's death. He hated the term 'anniversary', it wasn't a date he wanted to remember, certainly not celebrate. For the past 355 days, Spencer Reid had tried his hardest to move on; he had taken time off, he had thrown himself into work, he had got  drunk, he had cried, he had screamed, he had even, in an act of true desperation, tried to forget her. But he was cursed forevermore with the memory of her death. There were times when Spencer hated having an eidetic memory, and this was one of them. 

After a couple of months, as he began progressing through the five stages of grief, he had realised he could never move on, instead he must just carry on. The Bureau had very generously given him a month's compassionate leave, the two he had taken before her funeral and the final two weeks were nearing their end. 

Spencer soon discovered that the hardest thing about losing a partner wasn't their absence as a whole, it was the constant reminders of when they were living. It was hearing her favorite song and hearing her singing it in the shower or it was holding a piece of clothing and feeling her touch on his skin. Death was easy, it was those who were left living that suffered. 

The day before Spencer was due to return to work, the team had come back from a case a couple of days prior; Spencer had hoped they would've been delayed meaning there was a chance Hotch would give them a couple of days to recuperate but, as usual, he was not so lucky. He was lying on his sofa, clutching a book Abby gave him for his last birthday to his chest, when he heard a loud knock on the door.

"Reid. I know you're in there. Answer the door, Kid, or I'll knock it down." Silence. "You know I will Reid." 

Spencer exhaled deeply, he knew Morgan would. He loved kicking down doors. He opened the door but backed away immediately, not greeting his friend as he walked in.

"Jeez, Kid." Spencer's apartment was a mess, as was he. "What...Reid. Oh man." 

Spencer couldn't stand the pity. Their first date in Alaska, Abby had told him that one of the things that infuriated her most after her father's death was the pitying looks and the 'Oh you poor thing' comments. It wasn't until he lost Abby that he realised why it made her so angry. He knew they were just being kind but it wasn't going to bring her back. Spencer was in the angry stage of his grief, he didn't need pity; he needed release.

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