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Abby approached the viewing room. She looked through her side of the one-way glass and saw that Spencer was already in there. She rolled her eyes as she realized that Luke had orchestrated this whole thing perfectly; no doubt so he could be given all the credit if it worked and if it didn't, he'd find a way to blame Abby, or the BAU. 

She knocked on the door to the interrogation room. Spencer turned round and she saw the exact moment he realized it was her; his face changed from her soft, gentle Spencer, who was always welcoming to anyone but especially to Abby, back to the dark, cold Reid that she had come home to. 

"Doctor Reid." She said, fighting to keep her voice firm, "Can I speak to you outside a second please?" 

He pushed himself up from his chair silently. 

Abby held the door open, her body leaning into it as her hand used the door handle to support her. She glanced around the end of the door and saw Morag wave at her with both hands, his cuffs keeping them together. 

"Woodbridge and Hotch want us to question him together." She said, the professional air of authority back in her voice. She still had a job to finish and they would be working together again so, as much as it would hurt them both, Spencer had to get used to her again. 

"You don't think I'm capable of doing it on my own? I was a profiler long before you even knew what it was."

"I never said that, Spencer!" She argued, now he was just being childish. 


"I'm calling you Spencer, that's your name." She said strictly. His face contorted in anger. 

"Whatever. I'm leading."

"No you're not. He's a terrorist and I'm Military, I'm leading." 

"You're not counter-terrorism."

"And you're not always right, Doctor Reid."

He scoffed and made his way back to the interrogation room, she could practically hear Luke's voice saying 'It's great stuff but save it for Morag!' She rolled at her eyes at her own subconscious and entered the interrogation room. She closed the door loudly, she would've slammed it but the stupid metal, interrogation doors don't slam.  

Her chair scapped across the hard floor as she sat down next to Spencer. You could almost see the anger actually radiating off of Spencer.

"I feel like I've interrupted something. Have I? Would you like me to leave?" Morag teased cruelly. 

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