twenty two

410 15 5

warnings: domestic a*use

𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢 𝚝𝚠𝚘

is it really justice?


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Abby looked to Hotch - awaiting his instructions.

"Okay, Blake, Rossi go to Anderson's house and tell the teams we're looking for any evidence that somebody was held or killed in that basement. Detective, we're going to need search teams, the dogs and every available officer to either be going door to door with a photo of Clara Anderson or to be searching the scene or the surrounding areas for a body."

The three that already had a job dispersed quickly. Luckily, with the crime scene only being less than ten minutes away on blue lights, they probably would have their answers before they'd got a confession out of Anderson.

"Reid, I need you to meet JJ at the hospital and see if you can find out anymore about Wanda and her experience of the past five years. Garcia, I need you to find me everything you can on Clara Anderson and Wanda Carlton and see what overlaps to find out why and how he manipulated and drugged Wanda the way he did, and any motives for why he would kill Clara."

"Yes, Sir. I am on it like a car bonnet."

"Morgan go back in. Abby wait here with me."

They didn't have time to wait for Hotch's specific instructions or explanations, they trusted Hotch.

"Wanda Carlton." Morgan said aggressively as he swung the door open and slammed it behind him. He made his way over to Anderson, slamming his hands on the table - just for good measure.

"I - I don't know what you're talking about."

"We've just had her DNA back!" Morgan shouted. "We know who she really is and we know about your wife! Where is she?"

"She is my wife!"

"What medication were you giving her?" Anderson said nothing. "Was it scopolamine by any chance?"

Abby felt that surge of anxiety as Harvey's face told them of his admission of guilt. Unfortunately, that wouldn't hold up in court.

"Garcia, what have you got?" Hotch asked, answering his phone that Abby didn't even hear ring.

"So, Clara Anderson was an elementary school teacher right up until her disappearance five years ago, I barely got anything of Wanda Carlton though. As far as I can tell there isn't really any connection, I mean there is nothing, and I really mean nothing on Wanda. But Clara, our real Clara, didn't show up for work one day; her husband - who we know is Harvey - posted on her facebook page that they had decided to take an impromptu trip to Virginia and never returned. That was of course when he moved here. His first job on the force was in Montana."

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