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warnings: SA, talk of infertility
bit of a longer one to make up for my lil break xxxx

𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚢 𝚘𝚗𝚎



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Abby had pretended to be asleep for the entirety of the short flight; not even really to avoid the conversations with Hotch and Spencer, but more to try and will her body into sleep. The tighter she closed her eyes the more she hoped she'd be able to sink into a peaceful, restful sleep but that never came.

Hotch guided Abby and JJ through the halls of the precinct until they reached a small room where inside was a young boy and a woman in a suit. Their witness was a young boy, he looked no older than 15.

Abby felt her stomach drop; somebody was really screwing her over. Ever since she had found out that she was unable to have children, it seemed like every case they worked on had a child heavily centred in some aspect. Or maybe she was just more aware of it; she knew JJ had described the same thing after she had Henry but this was different - this felt like a cruel trick from the universe.

A thought suddenly struck Abby, 'Did Hotch know?'. She knew, rationally, that was impossible, well it would be if he wasn't the Unit Chief of the BAU. There was a real possibility that Hotch did know and this was tough love; his way of getting her to open up and talk. But then she reminded herself that not everyone was her mother.

"Laurens and I will talk to him, JJ see what you can get from the officers and the M.E."

"Sure." JJ smiled warmly at Abby, she returned it.

She had no idea what she was supposed to do. For everyone else, time was carrying on as normal but, for Abby, she was stuck in that conversation, she stayed right there - and she feared she'd never get out.

"Mrs Laurens?"

"It's, uh, it's Agent." Abby corrected politely.

The nurse apologized and guided Abby into the small side room, closing the door gently behind them.


"Abby, please."

The nurse smiled again. "Abby, are you sure there isn't anyone you'd like here with you?"

Abby had been a profiler, and a woman attending doctor appointments alone, for long enough to know that meant the news wasn't good.

"No. I - I just missed a couple of periods, it - it's not the end of the world. I just - just want to be sure."

Abby squinted her eyes slightly to read the nurse's name badge - Caroline. Caroline flicked through the folder in front of her gently.

"You did home pregnancy tests?"

silenced (Spencer Reid) book twoWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt