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prepare yourselves xxxxx
also AN: the layout and such might be a tad confusing until the timelines merge but stick with it <3



oh you gotta be shitting me


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Abby and Callaghan jumped up.

"Split up!"

"No!" Abby screamed back, "We do not split up!" Abby felt like she was in the same place as two years ago. She refused to make the same mistake twice.

"Serg, it's protocol!"

He was right, for some stupid reason, in this situation, protocol called for them to split up; because if one was captured then the other would [theoretically] be able to go for help. 'This is not two years ago, this is not a trap.' Abby told herself.

"Get to the car." She ordered and that was that. She ran right and he ran left.


"Spencer!" Morgan called out, "Where are you going?" 

Spencer knew that, despite it being nearly a yea since they lost Abby, the team were still cautious whenever they were on cases like this. And with it just being a couple of days until the first anniversary of her death, they were being extra cautious. None of them wanted to be the one to panic and none of them wanted to be attending another funeral in a week's time.

"I heard something round the back. It sounded like someone was running." Spencer felt Morgan's hand on his chest.

"Okay you take round the front, I'll take the back."


"Reid." He replied, in the same childish, whiny tone as Spencer. The team had noticed a huge change in Spencer over the last few days, understandably so. It had been the worst year of their lives, and even that was underselling it. "Go on, pretty boy."

The two agents separated and lifted their guns as they rounded each corner of the warehouse. Morgan advanced slowly, still trying to listen for any noise from Spencer's side as well. It did not help that it was pitch black, cold and damp.


Abby could no longer hear those little noises, it was just silent. Eerily silent. That deafening silence that feels like the calm before the storm.

She wanted to call out to Callaghan but knew that would be a, potentially fatal, mistake. She continued to edge across the back wall of the warehouse; or at least what she thought was the back wall. In her panic, she had just ran - as Smith had told her to. 'Did he know who it was?'

silenced (Spencer Reid) book twoWhere stories live. Discover now