forty six

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𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚢 𝚜𝚒𝚡

there it is again...
part two


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Hotch, as usual, was the last one off the jet. The case hadn't been all that strenuous, they had a witness and a solid profile - thanks to Garcia, it had been relatively easy to locate Leon's birth mother. Hotch's mind turned to Abby and Spencer the second they had identified their unsub and her relationship to the victims. He hadn't wanted to pry, not in the middle of a case and a precinct, but he wondered what Abby would want to do - Spencer too, of course. 

"Hotch." Morgan's voice disturbed the noise of Hotch's subconscious. He had caught up to Morgan in the lobby of the FBI building. Morgan, eager to find out about what was happening with Abby and Spencer, had been waiting for his boss. 

"Morgan. I told you all that you could go home on the jet - we'll do the paperwork tomorrow."

"I know, I'm meeting Garcia in the office; is Abby okay?"

Hotch nodded. "She's fine, Morgan."

"Yeah and she said that last time, to my face. And then a week later I was carrying her casket. Tell me."

Hotch sighed frustratedly, he understood Morgan's panic - he'd felt it himself, as had the rest of the team. They got into the elevator, the doors pinging shut behind them.

 "She's had some...difficult news. She's not in danger, no one needs to panic."


"But nothing, Morgan, we're all grown ups, and Abby was right all those months ago. We deserve some privacy." 

They remerged on the floor of the BAU.

"Hotch, I love Abby and I love Spencer, and everyday I trust them with my life - we all do, but this doesn't feel right man. And I get they need privacy, but I cannot take anymore loss, we can't take anymore loss."

Hotch turned to Morgan and from his peripheral vision he caught a glimpse of Spencer's desk and on it, pinned to a small board, was a letter. The only reason that he knew the details of that letter was because he remembered Spencer pinning it up on his first day back after his compassionate leave; it was Abby's eulogy.

Hotch sighed. "It's not my place to say anything, Morgan." He interrupted the other agent before he could do the same to him. "And that's not me being difficult or secretive, Abby and Spencer need to talk first, and as far as I'm aware, they have. Abby has said she will be in tomorrow, so please, just give them some space. She's fine, he's fine, there is nothing to panic about-"

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