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warnings: infertility
these next couple of chapters are quite heavy, always put yourselves first xxxxx

𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎



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Spencer followed Abby into his apartment. The journey back was quiet, Abby spent most of it hiding in the bathroom and when Spencer had tried to knock and ask if she was okay she just kept saying that she didn't feel well.

Rossi's teasing words kept replaying in Spencer's mind, he knew that if Abby was pregnant she would've come to him before Hotch. Wouldn't she? Spencer felt guilty for doubting her, and he knew that if she had gone to Hotch first she would've had her reasons, but it still hurt him a little because, to him, that meant she didn't trust him enough.

Spencer latched the door behind him, he had clearly been deep in thought for longer than he realized because when he looked back Abby was nowhere to be seen.

"Abby?" Silence. "Abby?" He called out again to the eerily empty apartment, there was only so many places she could be and her continued avoidance of him only worried him more.

Abby was sat on the end of Spencer's bed staring straight out into his living room, she didn't respond to his calls because he would spot her the second he turned the corner and because she just didn't have the willpower to respond.

Spencer jumped slightly as he turned to his bedroom; Abby was staring straight through him.

"Abby." He repeated for the third time. "What is going on? Are you okay?"

She looked at him blankly, in her mind Spencer had already left her and she was preparing herself for the life she was going to have to live without him. Maybe she was being a little overdramatic but, to her, it was better than blind hope.

"I'm okay."

Spencer's eyes danced quickly over her face, he knelt down in front of her and took her hands in his and, just like he always did, his thumb traced a gently pattern along her skin.

"Baby, what's going on? You've not been yourself for over a week. You're starting to scare me." He laughed nervously.

Abby took a deep breath, she had no idea what to say.

"When you - when you left the precinct earlier, Hotch said that you weren't very well." Spencer noted the immediate change in her body language. He knew her, and he knew her well, and he knew that she was scared. "And then Rossi said something."

Abby furrowed her eyebrows. Hotch obviously hadn't told Rossi and she hadn't told Rossi and nobody else knew, so what was Rossi talking about?

"Oh yeah?" Abby said quietly. She was kind of curious to see how this played out.

silenced (Spencer Reid) book twoWhere stories live. Discover now