Hank laughed. "You're not the one..." Jay then backed him and went to punch him. "Say that again, say that I don't have the right to protect MY WIFE! The wife whom you may have just sent into premature behavior. Seriously? You take THIS time to ask her to move back to Chicago? SERIOUSLY Hank! She's pregnant with MY DAUGHTERS! I swear to god, what type of father does that? I'll give you an answer to that. NONE!" Hank just gulped when he heard Jay tell him that. Pulling away shortly afterwards, Jay proceeded to push Hank away from his wife's home. "Leave!" Hank just looked at Jay. "Jay, can I at l..." Jay stopped him. "Leave! Go back to Chicago and get out of here." That's when security (and Kelly Severide) come over to him. "Hey, Jay. What are you doing here?" Jay just looked at Kelly when he said that. "Getting this IDIOT! Who sent my wife into premature labor!" Kelly then looked at Jay and took a breath. "Hey, take a breath and just relax. I know, I already called Matt; he's on his way, he's coming. Remember?" Jay agreed with Kelly.

"Just get him out of here, I want him gone." Kelly agreed with Jay when he said that, smiling at him. "Will, give Max to him. Send him back into his room with Alex; that way, he can relax." Will agreed with Kelly when he said that. After which, he walked up to his brother. "C'mon, let's get in your room Jay. Let other people take care of him." Jay agreed with Will when he said that, before making his way into the hospital room that Alex was currently staying at; after which, Kelly made his way over to Hank. "Okay, take a breath Hank and look at me." Hank just looked at Kelly. "Listen, I know that you want to be here. But I know for a fact that you don't want to be here. I think that you should really leave and go back to Chicago." Hank took a breath as he heard Kelly say that, well aware that he screwed up. "I screwed up, didn't I?" Kelly took a breath as he looked at his friend's father-in-law. "You can't be here Voight. You need to leave now, that way you can save your relationship with your daughter." Hank agreed with Kelly, taking a breath.

After which, security arrived. "We have a request to take one Hank Voight out of the hospital?" Kelly looked at Voight, before turning him around so that he can make sure that he leaves. "Hank, you need to go with them." Hank agreed with Kelly when he said that. "I hate that I even did this." Kelly agreed with Hank when he said that. "I know you do Hank, but you need to do what's best to save your relationship with your daughter." Hank agreed with Kelly when he said that, well aware that was the case. After which, he took a breath. "Send them my best, and congratulations on your child." Kelly agreed with Voight when he said that, smiling at him. "Thank you." Voight then went to leave with security, knowing this was the best thing to do; at the same time, Kelly proceeded to make his way over to Alex's room so that he can talk to Jay (and let him know that Voight left). Walking up to his friend's hospital room, Kelly took a breath before knocking on it; that way, he can make sure that they know that someone's coming in.

But before he did, he popped his head in so that he can show them that it's him. "Hey, can I come in?" Looking up at Kelly as he sat next to Alex's bed, Jay agreed with him. "Is he with you?" Kelly shook his head as he walked into the hospital room, before smiling at Alex. "How are you doing Alex?" Turning her head to look at Kelly, Alex took a breath. "Worried that something's wrong." Kelly agreed with Alex when she said that, well aware that was the case. "Yeah, I can understand that." Jay then took a breath as he looked at his wife, really worried. "I'm glad that you're doing okay." Alex agreed with Jay when he said that, before turning to look at Kelly. "How are Stella and your boys?" Kelly laughed as he heard Alex ask him that, before walking over to him; after which, he proceeded to grab his phone so that he can show her a picture. "Here's a nice picture of my sons." Going to grab the phone, Alex smiled as she went to look at the phone. "How are you so calm?" Alex took a breath as she put her hand on her stomach. "I choose to be calm, and not panic."

Jay agreed with Alex when she said that, glad that was the case; after which, he walked up to her side. Smiling as he looked at his wife, he leaned over her and then kissed her forehead softly. "Sorry I sent your father away." Turning her head, Alex shook her head. "Hey, it's okay. I'm glad you did." Jay agreed with Alex as she said that, before bending down and kissing her forehead softly. After which, he looked at Kelly while he was still there with them. After which, he watched as Max jumped onto Alex's bed. "Hey, dow..." Alex shook her head. "I like having him here." Jay agreed with Alex when she said that, before watching as Max crawled over to her. After which, she put her hand on his head and stroked it with her thumb. That was when Kelly heard his phone ring, which prompted him to go grab it. Pulling it out of his pocket, he went ahead and saw that it was Stella. Picking it up, he smiled. "Hey, is everything okay with the boys?" Stella agreed with her husband as he asked her that, as she was more than okay. "Yes, they are. But I heard yelling."

The Caseys: Family Life, Part 1जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें