Chapter 77: Past memories

Start from the beginning

'I do not believe so, the coast is clear as far as I know. But now that you mention it, the blood within my body does feel colder than usual.'

'You don't have a body.'

'A figure of speech for dragons.'

Right, maybe it was nothing. I was brought back to my senses when I sensed a certain someone pushing herself a bit too closely against me. "Thanks for comforting me," she said, "your headpats help, even though it is a bit weird to do that for your girlfriend. I would’ve preferred a kiss."




I never gave her any headpats.

"Rias, you're holding my hand." As soon as I mentioned that, she froze. Both of us slowly turned our heads up to see a small pale hand resting on top of her head, moving gently. Following along the length was a small girl with pointed ears and blank black eyes that showed no emotions whatsoever. Wearing the familiar gothic clothing with her chest fully exposed but having black tape covering her nipples. This scene was even more creepy considering how only half of her body was sticking out of a tear in space, something I didn't even notice whilst so close by.

"Don't cry, Devil." She said without any emotions in her voice, as she stared at the shocked redhead, as if looking into her soul. "Or else the cat will find me."



Rias' face went all pale, maybe it was due to how close they were or how she was being touched, having sensed her power when she realized that there was someone else in the room. Even if it was nothing but a small sliver of it, it had already surpassed anything she must have sensed in her life and Sirzechs for certain would never flare his power near Rias for the latter to have a general idea of his might. But Ophis represented the concept of infinity, so even that small sliver was basically a never ending sea of power threatening to drown her.

"This reminds me of the day the Gremory girl mentioned she didn't want to see the Dragon God appear in your rooms whilst both of you slept. Funny how things have turned out."

"Not right now, Vritra."

The shock was too much for her, and the next thing I know, she fell onto my lap, her eyes rolled to the back of her head.

Didn’t think that it was actually a thing, but it was far creepier up close.

I couldn't help but massage my temples, not one normal day for me. The universe was out to get me and would kill from either too much stress or lack of sleep.

"The Devil has died?" Ophis wondered, confused about Rias' reaction, poking her on the cheek.

"No, but you probably almost gave her a heart attack." I knew that Ophis was in the Underworld, Kuroka mentioned as such. I just didn't expect for her to appear at this moment like this. "Why did you pat her head like that?" A part of me was curious, so I couldn't help but ask.

Ophis tilted her head, "The Nekoshou does this to me everytime she is near me, so I wanted to try it too."

Really nothing but a naive girl. How could such an innocent soul could become the de facto leader if a terrorist group that aimed to destroy the world or something or other evil plans was beyond me. Maybe Great Red truly was the main antagonist in all of this, if that dragon hadn't thrown Ophis out of the Dimensional Gap then much of this would have been avoided.

"Can you hide your power so that the others won't freak out when they see you?" Hearing my request, she nodded and closed her eyes before sitting next to me. The air shifted, and using my sensing abilities, I felt the weight that was usually around Ophis trickle down until it slowly vanished.

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