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A few days later

"Kid," you whisper softly, stroking his red hair as he lays his head over your lap. "I should go now."

"Not yet," he growls back, looking up at you.

You smile as the amber eyes follow the lines of your features, the black pupils growing from your sight.

How can you be so perfect?

His gaze rests on your lips for a second, then he touches your face and pulls you down for a kiss.

His scent brings comfort and protection, even if it'll never be like in the other world.

You close your eyes and enjoy his taste for a little time before leaning back. The large man sighs and sits up, pulling you into his arms.

You shiver as he buries his face into your neck, his breath tickling after he playfully bites your skin.

"I wish this would be real," he rustles, trembling slightly. "I want you back, Three. I don't care about anything else."

"I'm still here," you answer, holding your cheek by his temple. You keep your eyes closed since your energy slowly fades. You've been here for hours, even with the time of the real world. "You know why we do this."

You run your hand over the well-built muscles of his back, the deep, crimson scars riven into the pale skin.

Your scowl relaxes from his warmth and the feeling of safety you find in his closeness.

You take a deep breath and look around, only to face the fading meadow.

"I'm running out of power," you murmur to him. "I have to go, Kid."

He doesn't answer, only his arms tighten his embrace around you. You move back and cup his face with your hands.

He smirks and shakes his head shortly, but his eyes gleam strangely as they find yours.

"When will I see you again?" he asks.

"I will look for you every night, as I always did."

Eustass Kid tilts his head, his one-sided smile taking your breath away. He kisses you again, now more intensely, longer than before.

The dance of his tongue and the firmness of his touch doesn't let you much freedom, but you don't stop him. Every movement of his carries the gentle care he can't express any other way.

You nestle close to his chest so your heart can follow his racing rhythm.


After he lets you go, you press your forehead against his to keep him by your side.

"I know we won't be apart for long" you rustle against his lips, looking at the ring on your hand. "We will always be tied together through time."

He nods without a word, his palm laying on your bare waist, so he can massage your skin with his thumb, his skin so burning that it sends a shiver down your spine.

"We promised," you say, kissing the corner of his painted lips.

Kid takes a deep, ragged breath and runs his long fingers through the locks of your hair, playing with it fondly.

After he breathes out, you place your hand over his arm when the well-known grin returns.

"I love you," you whisper, trying to pour all your emotions into this brief sentence.

Three [Eustass Kid × Reader]Where stories live. Discover now