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Killer carefully puts you down, but he only lets go of your arm after you lean against the wall to rest your leg.

He doesn't say a word but moves the blankets on his perfectly made bed to give you some space.

"Are you sure about this?" you ask silently.

The man turns to you and offers his help. You take his hand and let him help to sit on the bed.

"You shouldn't have run with your leg yet, Three. The bones might have mended already, but it's not healed. It will get worse if you keep this up."

"That's not what I asked, Killer."

He takes a deep breath, crouching down opposite you, examining your injury.

Your eyes find the door of the cabin, the direction where Kid is. You feel everything through the mist of your confusion.

"I don't know what happened today," he answers quietly. "But I'm sorry for everything. I know this is not what you expected."

You cast down your eyes, and his fingers run over your bandages, securing two loose ends. You shiver and subconsciously pull your leg away from his touch.

Killer looks at you, but you avoid his gaze. Your fist clenches over the sheet, knowing how close Kid is, yet how far.

The blonde thrills as you lie down on his bed. You try to take as little space as possible, huddling yourself up.

You don't want to reject his kindness, neither you want to disturb his sleep.

You don't feel enough power and will to tell him about what happened at Onigashima and after.

But you freeze when Killer gently hides you under his blanket, paying attention that it covers your whole body from shoulders to toes.

He goes to the other side of the room and closes the window, then pulls the dark curtains to weaken the moonlight. He places his weapons on a shelf.

You can only see his silhouette as he takes off his mask and puts it on the nightstand.

The blond locks fall to his shoulder like a golden waterfall. A ray of light runs over the blue and white stripes.

And you feel a tug at your heartstring when you spot a dried, red flower left next to it. Its shape and color haven't changed much in all these weeks.

Killer takes off his shirt too. You see the pale curves of his back as he folds the cloth, placing it into one of the drawers. Neither of you feels uncomfortable since you both saw each other at the worst times.

He gives you that unexplainable, special kind of comfort that Promise did long years ago.

"You kept the flower," you say silently. He turns to you and laughs, his shoulders shaking. The blue eyes glint in the darkness as it upsets him.

Your hand closes around the edge of the blankets when you hear him taking down his shoes too.

"You gave it to me," he answers calmly. "You knew who I was, and you knew it would remind me of Kid, even if you never told me."

He stops for a second.

"Kamazo kept it because it helped to wake me up."

You nod silently and turn your gaze away when the man touches the pillow next to yours.

But your eyes widen when he simply takes it and lays down on the carpet.

"Killer, you can't-"

"It's okay," he stops you, but you see as he squirms on the ground a little. "You are my guest tonight, Three. And this is..."

Three [Eustass Kid × Reader]Where stories live. Discover now