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You feel a tear running down your face. You would never forget this sound, after hearing it for all those years.

"It's him," you whisper, and Kid's face darkens. He pulls you closer to his body as King arrives not far away, the old oak chattering from the power of his wings. The wind breaks the smaller trees in the area. "Not alone."

The redhead's muscles tense up, he holds your arm as if he would never let it go. And when he grits his teeth and still pushes you away, your heart sinks.

The man catches your face stronger than he should, but the kiss that he leaves on your lips is gentle.

"I'm going out," he states silently.

"You can't," you shake your head. He growls and presses his forehead against yours.

"They need me alive, Three," he says. "But you were already threatened with execution. We mustn't risk it."

You frown and run your hands into your hair, rocking back and forth. You can't process it. You can't accept that this is happening.

"I'm Eustass 'Captain' Kid," he smirks, but you see the light of bright eyes fading. "I don't leave behind anyone I care about."

Your heart misses a beat as you hear him, and he strokes your face, then stands up and takes back his coat.

You want to say something, tell him something, ask him to stay, do anything just not to sit in silence.

Yet that's all you can do.

"I'll find you after I'm free again," he says, moving his shackle. You look at the Sea Stone and tremble, but his smile is still calm and confident. "But I won't go with them without a fight."

You huddle yourself up, trying to force those three words on your lips, that you told him once before when he was asleep.

He watches you for a few seconds, the shadows of his face grow darker, and a wrinkle appears over his nose.

You gather all your bravery because he has to know, whatever happens.

"Kid, I-"

And suddenly his eyes widen, and he shouts at you loudly, leaning down. You freeze completely as an impact reaches your side.

The man frowns too, glaring at you with a frightened face. You lour confusedly and look down, then shake when you see the head of an arrow that pierced through your skin and flesh.

You touch the flowing blood and bend as the pain arrives, ripping the nerves of your mind.

Kid yells your name desperately as the rope secured to the end of the bolt tenses, and it pulls the arrow back, leaving your body while dragging you to the greenery, out from the safe place.

The redhead jumps after you and catches you, protecting you with his body as you start to fall.

He groans as the branches break against his back, then he flinches as he reaches the ground.

Your vision blurs, and your ear rings as you roll down, pressing your hand on the wound.

Kid trembles as he sees your blood on himself but then stands up and sets his place between you and the enemy.

You see them shouting, and you scowl as King pulls out his sword from its sheath. Kid doesn't move a bit, yells something that you can't hear.

You feel the metal-like scent in the air. You reach for the redhead with your hand, but the sight shakes and deforms. He can't see you, his fist clenches.

The masked man lifts his blade.


But King doesn't attack him. He cuts the pirate who shot you with the arrow, and as he screams, your hearing returns.

Three [Eustass Kid × Reader]Where stories live. Discover now