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She starts sobbing in his arms, and the man holds her close to his warm body. Kid breathes steadily, but his heart beats faster than usual.

The same fire glows in his eyes that burned the first night they met.

His guilt didn't disappear but faded enough to give him air. The mist isn't so thick anymore, so he can walk through it if he stays by her side.

"You will never be a curse, Three," he says quietly, closing his eyes not to see her face. She presses her cheek against his chest. Kid takes a deep breath and caresses her face, but he scowls as he feels how hard she trembles. He lowers his deep tone, so the emotions aren't that clear. "You should be angry for the things I said."

She stays silent for a moment. The exhaustion of this day slowly covers her mind like a dark, soft blanket, but she tries to stay awake to be with him.

"You were lost, Kid," she whispers, a few tears flowing down her face. The man freezes, his hand closing around her bare waist. "But you came back. Thank you."

Kid kisses the top of her head gently as he hears how her voice turns slower and slower.

The man holds her for a few minutes as he looks for words, but by the time he wants to talk again, he realizes Three has falled asleep.

Now that he returned, she can finally rest and heal like everyone else.

It's what he should do too.

The man suddenly shivers and picks her up carefully to leave the cold water. Three's hair falls to his arm freely, and he strokes her arm as she sleeps.

Kid walks to the left and takes a large towel, wrapping her into it before going to the room.

The door of the cabin is closed. Killer only left a piece of paper on the bed and a little jar.

Kid places her down and throws the blanket over her body too.

His features soften as the woman subconsciously inhales his scent and hides under the fabric until only half of her head is visible.

It reminds him of the time when he yeeted her out of the forest, hidden in his coat when they tried to find food.

The redhead strokes her arm, and his jaw strains as her fingers find the thin cut he made this night.

"She doesn't want to be protected. Three wants to live and fight with the ones she cares about. There's always a risk of losing someone, but pushing her away won't help.

And I believe that nobody can give Three more safety than you. After all, you were the one who gave her a name. The name she kept even after knowing who she was born to."




I gave your name after that number on our handcuffs. A meaningless, cruel choice.

I never thought you would make it beautiful just by wearing it.


He takes a ragged breath and looks at Killer's splendid handwriting, which he always envied deep inside. Who wouldn't, after all?

"Let her rest, Kid. I asked the doc for some cream for her leg. If you need anything, you know where to find me."

The redhead smiles slightly, and puts the note away.

Then, he sits down next to her. The man grimaces at how tiny the jar is in his hands, and he tries to open it.

But the plug doesn't move.

Three [Eustass Kid × Reader]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz