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"So this is what it's all about?" asks Killer, forcing Kid's hands away before the wound reaches deeper in his skin.

The blonde looks to the entrance and sees some of their friends still standing there worriedly. "Leave us alone for now. Go and find Three before something happens."

They nod silently and close the door. Killer only turns back to the redhead after they left, and he takes the bottle that the other picked up to drink.

"It won't solve anything. You cut her arm because you lost control. Sober up and pull yourself together, Kid."

"I didn't cut her," he whispers, trembling in his whole body. "I didn't want to-"

"You did," answers Killer with a stifled voice. "Even if you didn't want to, you did cut her. You have to face it."

The redhead stands up and takes a step, but he loses his balance and almost falls back to the ground.

He grits his teeth and sits on the side of his bed, his fingers touching his face, leaving red lines of blood behind.

Killer's blue eyes find the necklace he still wears. A piece of paper lays on the floor, Heat's drawing of her face.

Kid elbows over his knees, keeping his gaze on the image as he starts talking.

He tells his partner how Law visited him a few days ago and told him about Three's recovery and real name.

"I told Trafalgar to keep her away from us," he finishes, his arms tensing up. "But he didn't do it."

"You let us mourn her while you knew she was alive?" growls Killer deeply. Kid looks up, his amber eyes sad and angry at the same time.

"What else choice did I have?" he shouts. "If you knew, you would have got her back here."

"Because this is what she chose, Kid!" laughs Killer, barely managing to hold back his voice.

"I'm not the one she needs," whispers the man, freezing in his whole body as he hears his own words. "I couldn't... save her. If it depended on me, Three wouldn't be alive."

"You have no right to decide what she needs," says Killer, his fist clenching. Kid avoids his blue gaze.

"Why do you blame yourself because of the war? You had to choose one of us, and you did. You were forced to. You could have frozen and lost both of us, but we are here with you now. That's all that matters."

"You don't understand," groans Kid, looking at his friend angrily. His hand shakes. "I don't regret choosing you. I will never regret it."

He stops for a second and takes a deep breath.

"I would choose you again, Killer, even if it costs her life," he whispers. "This is why she can't stay."

"Didn't you see her here?" asks the blonde. "After Three woke up, her first thought was to find you. She ran here even if she's still hurt."

"Then why wasn't I there when she almost died?" shouts Kid desperately.

"Moderate your voice," answers Killer. "We were at a war, fafafa. You did your role, and she did hers. If you went to find Three after that attack, Big Mom would have killed much more of ours."

"Three has another choice now," whispers Kid, his jaws tense as he holds himself back. "She has a brother who can protect her. And all those idiots who helped her since the Raid ended."

"She doesn't want to be protected. Three wants to live and fight with the ones she cares about," says the blonde, turning to the door when someone knocks on it. "There's always a risk of losing someone, but pushing her away won't help."

Three [Eustass Kid × Reader]Where stories live. Discover now