2015 May

97 8 4

Chapter 10

2015 May

Caden sat in his office chair typing away at his computer as Victoria sat in his other office chair and talked to him. They had become very close at this point.

Anderson rushed into his office causing him to drop what he was doing and look up. Victoria also looked behind her.

"I have a mission for you two!" Anderson exclaimed.

"Why not call?" Caden asked confused.

Anderson just always called he had never came to his office to tell him.

"It is really important. The team I sent earlier is going to be delayed so I need you to go on ahead." Anderson explained quickly.

Victoria and Caden looked at each other concerned.

"It's very important there are people being held hostage on the top floor of a hotel." Anderson was speaking as fast as he could. They understood all of it.

"So more stairs to climb?" Victoria's thoughts had escaped her lips.

"The helicopter is on the roof waiting. Gear up quickly." Anderson then left.

Victoria jumped up and so did Caden. Caden slid over the part of his desk that did not have anything on it and the two agents darted down stairs.

It didn't take them even three minutes to get ready and before they knew it they were on their way to the location. Taking a minute to rest on the helicopter Caden felt a certain uneasiness about this mission. Something just wasn't quite right and it really bothered him. He could not place what was wrong but something was defiantly not right.

He looked over at Victoria to see she seemed kind of nervous. Maybe that was the uneasiness he felt. This was her first actual big mission. One that could actually be dangerous.

"Are you ok?" Caden asked her.

He caught a glimpse of a worried expression but when she looked at him she smiled. It was her way of reassuring him that she is fine. It didn't help it was night time and both agents were tired.

Victoria looked back out the helicopter window and her smile faded away. Caden could not even imagine what she must be thinking.

Soon enough bright city lights came into view again. They could not land on the roof of the hotel because of the people. So they took the building next to it.

When they opened the helicopter door a freezing cold breeze blew in. They both hopped out and shut the door back. The pilot saluted them goodbye and flew off. Before they left Victoria looked down at the building across.

Cops filled the street below, their sirens blaring, and their lights a blinding bright red and blue. The hotel had one light on in the lobby and then the lights on the top floor were on. The entire middle of the building was dark. It bothered Victoria but she kept telling herself she was ready for this.

"Let's go." Caden said, looking away from the street and walking away.

Victoria slowly backed up looking at the building as long as she could. When she could not longer see the cars on the street Victoria turned around and followed Caden.

When they were back outside in the cold Caden ran over to the police chief. "Caden Rogers here sir." Caden reported in. Victoria was a little behind at introducing herself but it was just because she was nervous.

"Uh.. Victoria Wells reporting in.. Sir." She almost forgot to say sir at the end. Even the chief caught onto her nervousness.

"You two are from ARRO right?" The cop wanted to make sure.

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