Birthday Party

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Chapter 7

Caden looked himself in the mirror as he tried his best to tie his black bow tie. He was never one for dressing up but he wasn't surprised when Anderson said to dress formal for Pamela's party.

Pamela was a very classy person and Caden respected her for that. He was dressed in his black tuxedo that he only seemed to wear to Pamela's parties. Her party would be starting soon so he collected his things and walked to his car.

When he got in he once again just sat in his car for a moment. Victoria has really seemed to get into his head. It was almost as if he tried to ignore the fact work was all he ever did. It had never really bothered him till now so honestly why now? What was it she said exactly that really made him look over his life like this. Caden shook his head as if telling himself he didn't know the answer.

He started his car and drove to work. The drive was short and Caden was thankful for that because it gave him less time alone to think about problems. More like gave him less time to dwell about problems.

As he parked his car he decided it would do no harm to leave his keys in his car, he's less likely to lose them there probably. He got out and walked inside. He walked past Daniella who was to busy to look up from her computer screen to look at him. Caden made his way to the ballroom, or at least I suppose you could call it. It was a big area used for special occasions or award ceremonies. As he pasted serval agents who were still having to work they gave him approving looks of his appearance.

Then he remembered why working all the time never bothered him. These people are family. As if a weight was lifted off his shoulders he sighed relaxed. He once again had no problem with it. As he stepped into their "Ballroom" there were many other people talking amongst them selfs. Pamela was a popular person it seems. Anderson walked up to him with a warm smile.

"I am so glad to see another guy." Anderson said as if he had saved his life.

Caden gave him a questioning look.

"All these girls. It's shopping this and purses that!" Anderson said, but not loud enough for them to hear.

Caden laughed at the way his friend was acting. Clearly they were driving him crazy with girl talk.

"Speaking of girls driving people crazy. Where's Victoria?" Anderson wondered.

Caden wondered what Anderson was implying mentioning girls driving people crazy and Victoria all in the same sentence. By the look on his face he was implying he liked her. More than just as partners or friends. He rolled his eyes just because of his friends expression.

"She needs to spend some time with her daughter so I didn't say anything." Caden admitted.

Anderson nodded understanding that enough. Pamela walked up to the duo.

"Well look who we have here. It's the birthday girl." Caden pointed out.

She smiled softly at the comment. She continued to walk forward.

"Hi Caden. I am glad you could attend." Pamela said, wrapping her arms around him in a hug.

She spoke, acted, and looked so ladylike. Again something he respected about her. Someone needed to bring at least a little class around sometimes. He hugged her back.

"Happy Birthday." He told her.

They let go and she thanked him. Pamela walked back to her friends now that she had greeted Caden. There were a few guys here but now many. Besides there's no one like a best friend. Caden had a mischief grin on his face.

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