Back To Work

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Chapter 3

Caden got up early the next morning so he could take longer to prepare himself for the day. He also gave himself a few extra minutes in case he couldn't find his keys. Saturday mornings were normally long days. Now he was more than likely back to facing them alone, but he was use to it.

Caden started his coffee. Coffee probably wasn't that good for you but it was apart of his dayily routine. While he waited Caden decided to make his bed and straighten up his house. He wasn't home much so it normally stays pretty straight. He did need to fix his couch pillows from where they were thrown all over the place yesterday.

Caden lives in an apartment building. He lives alone so there was no need for all the extra space a house would have. He was happy with his apartment. It had two bedrooms and a bathroom. A kitchen and a living room. It was perfect for him. He didn't even need the extra bedroom. His coffee was ready and he walked into his small kitchen. He mainly just kept a bunch of disposable coffee cups so he didn't have to keep tack of it all day. Speaking of keeping track of things. Caden turned around to look at his counter. His keys were not there. Caden sighed deeply. He turned back to his coffee and fixed it the way he like it.

When he was done he began his search for his keys. It didn't take him as long to find them today as it did yesterday. This time his coffee was still warm. Lastly he put on his fingerless gloves, grabbed his coffee, and left. Caden left at a reasonable time but he wasn't normally late anyway. Caden parked where he has for the past five years and walked into the building.

"Good morning." Daniella greeted him like always.

"Morning." Caden greeted back.

He was walking toward his office not coming out unless he was assigned a mission. He opened his office door and shut it without looking up. When he turned around and looked at his desk to his surprise Victoria was sitting there.

"Victoria?" Caden said kind of startled to see her here.

"I wanted to talk to you." She told him.

"Just go Victoria I get it. I don't need a partner." Caden told her, walking over to his desk chair. Those words hurt her and for a minute she thought about leaving like he said, but she wasn't going to do that to him.

"Everyone needs someone to watch their back. Everyone needs a partner."

Caden just shrugged.

"Caden I'm offering to stay here if you say so." Victoria said.

Caden quickly turned to look her in the eyes. "I'm not gonna be the reason you get hurt. You're right you have a daughter." Caden told her.

She still noticed how he no longer called her by the nickname he gave her. "I won't get hurt if you're looking out for me. I trust you Caden." Victoria told him.

She just stared into his eyes and he looked back. They just stared at each other for a few minutes. Those words really touched Caden. Trust was such a strong word meant to be treated as highly as it was.

"Alright." He agreed.

Victoria smiled. "Good now that we're on the same page-" Before Victoria could finish Caden's office phone started ringing.

"Hello?" Caden answered. It was Anderson. Caden listened for a little while when he received a text. "Alright we've got it." Caden assured him. He then hung up the phone.

"Looks like you just got your first mission rookie." Caden told her.

Victoria wasn't expecting that. "What?" Was all she could seem to say.

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