Part 11: Wally and Poppy

Start from the beginning

"Just the two of us? That's not quite a party, but it will do!" I exclaimed with a smile. Wally nodded happily.

A few hours later, we were setting up for the tea party. Wally would have liked to have it over at Home, but Home wasn't happy with Wally still. He had been banished for a few hours.

"Aren't these cups just darling? Julie gifted them to me," I hummed pleasantly. I didn't see Wally's reaction, for my eyes were closed as I said those words.

"Yes... just darling," he agreed. I didn't know what he was referring to, but I assumed he liked the cups as much as I.

"Would you be a dear and grab some-" I was interrupted by a knock. Wally's eyes flashed for just a moment. He didn't seem too thrilled about the new guest.

"'Ello. Miss Poppy's sick again. Would ya mind visit'ng 'er? She seems awf'lly lonesome," Barnaby said, stooping down to talk to me.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that! Yes! Wally and I will go visit her." I turned to Wally. "Come along, Wally! We mustn't wait any longer!"

When we arrived, one of the doors of the barn was cracked open. We snuck in.

"Poppy, dear? How are you feeling?" I asked quietly. She stirred, slowly sitting up in her bed.

"Oh, my. I hope visiting was no trouble," she said with a sneeze.

"Not at all!" I exclaimed. I quickly climbed into the loft where her kitchen was. I began making some soup for her. Wally stayed right beside her downstairs.

"Mom..? Is there anything you need?" he asked quietly. I could barely hear Wally's voice over the sound of sizzling ingredients in my pot.

"Dear Wally, you must be nicer to your neighbors. You've frightened poor Sally! I believe she thinks that you dislike her," Poppy said softly. She held one of Wally's tiny hands with both of her wings. Wally nodded.

"But enough about the others. What about you? Are you going to be alright?" Wally questioned. Urgency seeped into his voice.

"Oh, I'm sure I'll be all healed up in a few days. You needn't worry yourself, my dear," Poppy reassured him. I crept back downstairs, holding a bowl with a spoon.

"Here, Poppy! I have some soup for you," I offered. I placed the bowl in a vacant spot on her bed. She picked it up, happily tasting it.

"Lovely. Thank you, deary."

Wally turned to me after a few seconds of staring at Poppy. "Would you mind if we hung out here? I fear that Poppy will be needing help soon."

"I don't mind! It's extremely unpleasant to abandon a sick friend."

"I'm glad you think so. Now, what should we do? I apologize for the canceled tea party," Wally said, his voice soft and low. It seemed that he had been excited for it, after all.

"Oh! I need to go run another errand. I'll be right back after, alright? In the meantime, you could plan something." I pulled both of my hands away, for Poppy held one, and Wally held the other. He nodded, turning back to Poppy.

As I walked back to my own house, I felt a pang of guilt gnaw at me. I had no errands. I just wanted to return to that spot in the forest.

I finally made it. I crouched as I dug at the earth again. Something blue glittered. I gasped. It was a gorgeous blue, but the object was far too large for me to see it. I had to continue digging. Finally, I managed to free a part of the mysterious object. I picked up a scrap of torn fabric. It was so sparkly and soft. I studied it closer. There seemed to have been a struggle to get at it, for it was covered in tiny scratches and stitches. I placed it into my pocket and stood up. I was too cold to continue. I turned around and walked back to the barn.

Poppy waved at me slowly while Wally blew me another kiss. He enjoyed giving those out to everyone.

"I apologize for my absence! I forgot that I needed to plant some flower seeds in the soil beds along my house."

"Oh, that's no problem. I completely understand. It can be difficult to remember things sometimes," Poppy commented with a slight smile.

"I thought of an activity we can do! We could make a gift to give to Home," Wally suggested shyly. It was clear he wanted to apologize to Home in some way.

"Sure! Let's make Home a giant bow to wear!"

"Perfect!" Wally clasped his hands together quickly.

The next few hours, we worked hard to make Home a spectacular bow. We also took turns tending to Poppy. Before we left to put the bow on Home, I ran over to Poppy's bed. I gave her the biggest hug I could manage. She smiled and patted my head.

Home enjoyed the bow very much. Wally and I stuck it to the side of their roof, positioning it so the bow was both a bow and a bowtie.

"This has been an enjoyable day! Thank you, my friend," I thanked Wally, hugging him. He went limp.

"Yes... thank you so much..!" Wally said. I stopped hugging him so he could stand. With that, I skipped all the way to my house.

When I arrived, I tucked the scrap of fabric underneath my pillow. I had to do something with it. I just wasn't  sure yet..

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