Quackity's sibling (fluff)

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(AN: Hello! :D This amazing request was from Jade_hehe2! So, reader is gender neutral and is about 15ish years old, I guess? I can't remember if you gave me a specific age in the request, sorry about that, but I hope you like it! Anyways, credits to the artist and enjoy the chapter!)

"Oh come on! How did you fine me again?" your brother asked from his desk.

"HA! Sucks to suck, Quackity!" came Schlatts reply.

Quackity had found a new game on the internet, 'hide and seek'. It was a horror game, meant to be played with four people, so he had invited Schlatt, Tommy and Wilbur to his stream so they could all try it out. (AN: I have no idea if this is a real game. If it is, great! If not, well, look at that! I just invented a new game!)

The screen went blank before the name of  the next seeker showed up. It bright bold letters was written 'QUACKITY', which gave the boy an idea.

"Well, looks like I'm the next seeker. I'll go get some water while you guys are hiding." he said calmly.

"Yeah, alright big Q." Tommy answered. "You'll never find me anyways!"

"Pfff, as if." Wilbur exclaimed. "You are probably the worst player here."

"I am NOT!"

As the two boys argued, Quackity took off his headset and went across the hall to his siblings room.

"Y/n! I need your help!" he pleaded.

"What's up?" you replied whilst turning towards him with a small smile.

"I am really bad at this game, and-"

"Wow, no way." you interrupted sarcastically. "You? Bad at a game? Who would've thought?"

"Not the time, n/n! Anyways, I need you to come play this round for me. That way, I might actually win!"

"Won't they know it's me, though?" you asked, confusion in your tone of voice.

"No, because the seeker isn't allowed to talk. It makes the 'horror' aspect of the game more believable." your brother explained.

"Hmmmmm, alright, I'll do it." you finally answered.

"Thank you! Thank you, thank you!"

"But! You will get me popcorn afterwards." you finished as you put your hand in front of you. "Deal?"

"Deal!" he replied whilst shaking your hand with a smile.

"Well, what are you waiting for, let's go win this game!"

Time skip, 5 minutes later

The round had officially started and you were already going towards your fist victim, Tommy. You slowly stalked around the forest as you saw the boys character crouching behind a bush. You slowly creeped up behind him before quickly clicking onto his back, causing the monster you were playing as to kill him.

"WHAT THE HELL!" you heard him shriek with terror through your, or rather, your brothers headset. "How did you do that so quietly?"

"The seeker can't make any noise, Toms." Wilbur answered with a sigh.

"And then there was two." Schlatt input with a small laugh.

Time skip

You were now after Schlatt, as he had pretty much given away his location whilst talking to Wilbur. You silently crept closer to his character, that was hiding in a small shed, before killing him too.

"Dang it!" he exclaimed with frustration. "When did Quackity get good at this game? He sucked at it a few minutes ago!"

You felt a smirk creep onto your lips as you heard the man complain.

Two down, one to go.

Time skip

There was only 30 seconds left on the clock, the remaining seconds you had left to find Wilbur. You didn't want to admit to yourself, but it was proving rather difficult to find his character, when suddenly, you heard a small shuffle in your headset.

You hurriedly but quietly went towards the noise, making sure you weren't seen as you went.


Wilbur didn't actually think he'd win, did he?


You hurried towards the mans character as quickly as you could.


Almost there!


'Quackity won the game!' flashed onto the scream as your brother let out a victorious yell. You turned towards Quackity with a smile whilst handing him his headset.

"You're welcome." you said.

"Thank you! I promise I'll get you your popcorn as soon as I'm done streaming, okay?" he replied.

"Alright." you stated as you let his room. "And make sure it's the good kind!"

"Yep!" he answered, turning back towards his computer. "I promise!"

You shook your head with a fond smile as you returned to your room.

"WHAT? I DIDN'T CHEAT!" your brother suddenly yelled out.

Oop, busted.

659 words

(AN: Hello again! Thank you so much for reading, I really hope you liked it! Also, most people find me annoying at first, but if you don't, could you consider giving me a follow? It's free, and you can always unfollow me later. Anyway, I hope you have an amazing day, and thank you again for reading! :)

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