Sister of the gods (fluff)

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(AN: Hello everyone! This was requested by Nebula_NightXD! I apologize for the delay in posting this, but it's finally here! I hope you enjoy it. So in this story you're about 12 years old, and are the sister of DreamXD and Drista, so you're a goddess too. Credits to the artist, on with the story!)

You had always been a little bit jealous of your siblings. Your brother, (DreamXD), was the god of creation. Therefore, he had the ability to create any and all things possible in this realm. As for your sister, (Drista), she was the goddess of life, meaning that she had the ability to control, befriend and communicate with all things living. And you? You were the goddess of nature. Although your power is stronger whenever you use it for flowers. More specifically sunflowers. You thought your power was quite bland when you compared it to your siblings powers.

You had wanted to try and develop your skills for a good while now, but to do that, you needed the help of your siblings, and they always seemed to be busy. But today, you were determined to have them help you. You straightened up and walked confidently towards the kitchen, where they were both drinking tea. XD seemed to hear you walk up to him and turned around to face you.

"Hey sunflower!" he said with a smile. "We haven't seen you all day."

Drista also turned around to face you, a soft grin on her face.

"That's true!" she exclaimed. "What's up?"

Your confident act slowly crumbled when she asked that. What if they were busy again? What was the point in asking? Would they even want to help you? You started picking at your nails, your head facing the floor.

XD seemed to notice how nervous you were and knelt down to your height whilst putting his hand on your shoulder. Drista also came closer to you, a bit concerned.

"What is it sunflower?" your brother asked calmly.

You composed yourself before answering, trying to make all the anxiety leave your body.

"Can you guys help me practice my powers?" you said quietly.

You prepared yourself for rejection when you heard this:

"Yeah, of course!" your sister blurted out. "You don't have to be nervous about asking us that!"

Admittedly, it did seem a little foolish that you had been anxious about this. They were your family, after all.

"Come on, n/n!"

Drista grabbed your hand and excitedly dragged you outside, your brother following after you two, laughing under his breath. Once you had all found a nice clearing near the house, your siblings started explaining to you how you could practice using your powers.

A few minutes later, you finally felt ready enough to try and expand your power a bit. You slowly lowered your hand to the ground and took a deep breath. You felt the grass in between your fingers and the slight breeze in your hair. You focused on the feeling of the earth underneath your feet and tried to grow something. Suddenly, you heard your sister let out a gasp. You opened your eyes and it felt like time had stopped.

In front of you stood a magnificent oak tree, covered in vines with a base of sunflowers and daisies around the trunk.  You stood in shock, amazed at what you had created, when you were pulled into a hug.

"I did it." you whispered, shocked. "I did it! Did you see that? I did it!"

"You did!" Drista replied.

"I'm so proud of you!" XD exclaimed.

You spent the rest of the day practicing with your siblings and creating different kinds of trees and flowers, forever thankful that your family were willing to help you.

552 words

(AN: I hope that made sense lol. Before you go, I am sending good vibes your way! So don't forget to eat food, drink water and SLEEP! Bye guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter! :)

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