Sapnap's sister meets the dream team (fluff)

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(A/N: This story is kinda short for my liking, but I hope you like it! Also I'm sorry if this is poorly written, I am currently sleep deprived, lmao. If there are any mistakes, feel free to comment! And credits to the artist of the picture! Now on with the story!)

Sapnap was on call with George and Dream. They were just messing around on the DreamSMP, when they started to hear someone singing. The thing was, the voice sounded a bit more feminine, which confused them, since they were all boys.

"Hey who's singing? Not that I'm complaining, it's just their voice is really nice." Dream said.

"Oh that's just my sister, don't mind her." Sapnap responds.

If he thought that would make them forget about it, he was wrong. In fact, it just made the two other boys in the call even more curious.

"You have a SISTER?!" George asks, shocked.

"Well of course I do. Didn't I ever tell you before?"

"Obviously not." Dream answers. "Can you bring her here? I wanna meet her."

"Yea, me too!" George says.

"Fine. But before I bring her in here, NO funny business. She's my twin, and if one of you try to hit on her, I will fly over and kick your butt, got it?" Sapnap says, sounding weirdly serious.

"Sir yes sir" Dream answers, laughing.

Sapnap stands up and walks over to your room, knocks on the door then walks in. At the sight of him, you go into a slight panic.

"Was I being too loud? Oh I knew I should've waited until you were finished streaming. I'm really sorry Sap. I am so sor-"

"Y/n!" He cuts you off, laughing slightly. "It's fine, my friends just want to meet you, if that's okay?"

"Oh. Alright, I guess."

You get up and then you both walk over to your brothers room. You sit down in his gaming chair, whilst he puts his headphones on your head.

"Hello?" You say quietly,



Two different voices answer back. The first sounded british, which is how you decided you were going to differentiate the two.

"Right, so you guys are Dream and George, correct?" You ask shyly.

"Yep! You got it!" The british one answers. "What's your name?"

".....Sap never told you my name?" You ask.

"No. We just found out about you today in fact." Dream says. "Why?"

At this, you get up, grab a pillow off your brothers bed, and start yelling at Sapnap in French whilst hitting him with the pillow.

"Mais pourquoi tu ne leur a jamais dit que j'existais?! Je suis ta soeur, espèce d'idiot de merde!"

After abusing him with the pillow for a few minutes, you walk back to the pc and but the headphones back on. You immediately hear the sound of someone laughing, and something that sounded like a teapot.

"Sorry about that. Anyways, I'm y/n!"

After that incident, you and the dream team got along quite well, and you were introduced to chat about a week later. They loved you, (obviously), and so you were featured in many more streams.

The end! 443 words

(A/N: Sorry about the ending, I didn't know how to end this story, lol. Anyways, thank you for reading, and also only a small percentage of my readers actually follow me, so if you liked this story, you should follow me so I can give you more books like this. If you don't like me afterwards, it's fine, and feel free to unfollow anytime. Thank you!)

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