Philza's sister part 2 (fluff)

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(AN: Hello again! This is a continuation to the request from Hatsune_Ally. So the information you will need is:

1. Whilst at the train station, reader has aged up to like 9ish years old. Just, uh, don't question it lol.

2. Although Ghostbur doesn't remember much from his life as Wilbur, y/n remembers everything about hers.

3. Because Phil didn't kill Wilbur in the first part, let's say he fell off a cliff instead, (idk) which is why Ghostbur exists.

4. I am severely sleep-deprived so if you see a mistake, don't hesitate to tell me!

5. Yep I think that's all. Credits to the artist, enjoy the story!)

3rd person's pov (5 months earlier):

A small girl could be seen walking out of a train. She had clear burn injuries along her body and a bit of blood stained her clothes, but she didn't appear as if she was in any pain.

She carefully walked forward, wary of this new place that she had never seen or visited before. She hastily turned around when she heard the sound of footsteps walking towards her.

She was met with the smiling face of a man who was wearing a yellow sweater and a beanie.

"Hello! I'm Ghostbur! What's your name?"

Your pov:

"Ghostbur?" you questioned. "That sounds like Wilbur, my brother's friend."

"Oh, well I'm not Alivebur, silly!" he answered with a grin.

"Alivebur? What- Okay? Uhm, would it be possible for you to tell me where we are currently?" you inquired the strange man. Or ghost, it seemed.

"We're at a train station, obviously!"

He then suddenly furrowed his eyebrows and hurried even closer to you.

"Oh no! Are you blind? Is that why you didn't realize where we are?" he asked with concern in his tone of voice.

"Uh, no, I can see perfectly well, thank you." you responded, a bit confused. He seemed to calm down at your reassurance and soon enough, he was back to being the happy ghost you had met at first.

"How long have you been here?" you asked.

"I don't know!" he answered cheerfully with a smile on his face.

"What do you mean you don't know? How could you not know?"

"Well I'm just waiting, you see. When it's my turn, it'll be my turn. So there's no need for counting!"

Admittedly, this conversation was getting more confusing by the second.

"Waiting for what?"

"For my turn! To get on the train!"

Oh, so it is possible to get back onto the train, you thought. Well, you'd just have to wait with Ghostbur, you decided. It wasn't like there was anywhere else to go, anyways.

1 month earlier:

You were playing a game of go-fish with Ghostbur, (or trying to, as he kept putting his whole hand down cause he thought the other cards would get lonely), when you straightened up upon hearing the sound of the train.

You both turned towards the rails and waited to see if the train would stop and to your surprise, it did. A small bald-headed man with bushy eyebrows came out of the door with a piece of paper in his hand. (AN: His name is Gerald. I have spoken.)

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