Dreamy (Dream's sister) (fluff!)

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(AN: Hello! This chapter is a collab with Hatsune_Ally! So basically I'm writing a bunch of short stories/quotes with their oc! If you want to know about this oc, go check out their profile! I know it's not exactly a story, but I hope you like it anyways. I hope you enjoy!)


Dream was bored, so he had resorted to teasing and annoying his little sister, Dreamy, unfortunately for her. She had had just about enough of it.

"If you don't stop talking, I'm gonna jump out the window!" she declared angrily.

"We're on the ground floor, you twerp." Dream replied with amusement in his voice.

"Fine, then I'll go get George!"

"Wait no DON'T DO THAT-"


Dream had stolen his sister's favorite teddy bear, and now he was paying the price. Dreamy was sitting on her bed, looking at the floor with a pout on her lips. How could her brother do this to her? Stealing Mr. Teddy?! The nerve!

"I intend to stay mad at you forever!" she exclaimed, frustration clear in her voice.

"But what if you need my help?" her brother asked.

"Well lucky for you, I won't! I'll just ask Sapnap!" Dreamy replied.



Dream had just been sent to the prison as punishment for all his crimes. For some reason, the people of the server seemed to think it would be a good idea to send his sister there with him, even though she hadn't committed any crimes. Well, unless you count arson and some slight manipulation, that is. Dream was sitting near his sister with tears in his eyes, wondering how  he had let himself get caught, when Dreamy suddenly spoke up.

"Can you go be depressed over there?" she asked as she pointed at the other side of the room. "You're bumming out my whole area!"

"What- we're in jail, how are you not sad?" her brother asked, flabbergasted.

"Bro, at least it's warm in here and we actually have a roof over our heads, you homeless man."


Dream had finally figured out a plan to get out of the prison, but if he wanted it to work, he needed to get his sister involved. He quickly went over to her and started to explain his idea. Although, about 10 minutes later, he noticed that his sister looked really zoned out.

"Are you listening to me?" he asked.

Dreamy nodded her head.

"What did I just say?"

Dreamy nodded her head again.



Dream had gone on a mining trip a few weeks ago, and left his sister with his friend, George, who was currently sleeping in the room next to her. Although, she was starting to wonder about where he could possibly be. Had he gotten trapped? Had he died?

However, her thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. She put down the book she was reading and walked over to the entrance to see who it was. She opened the door and stared at her brother.

"....you're alive." she said.

"Okay, well there's no need to sound so disappointed." Dream answered with a small laugh.


Dreamy was being babysat by Sapnap and George, as she was too young to stay by herself. They were currently in an argument about the best way to make a cake. The adults thought that they knew how the best, but the last time they tried to bake one they had accidentally set the oven on fire. Dreamy was trying to explain to them what they were doing wrong, and they were staring at her with very unimpressed looks in their eyes.

"You know, you think you're smarter than everyone else." Sapnap said with George nodding in agreement.

"I don't think I'm smarter than everyone else, I know I am." Dreamy replied with a smirk.

In the end, the boys didn't listen to her and burned the cake and set the oven on fire. Again.

"I told you so!" the little girl exclaimed with a smile.


(AN: Alright folks! That's all for today! I hope you liked reading it, even though it wasn't really a oneshot. But I hope you have a wonderful whatever time of day it is where you are :D Byeeeee!)

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