C! Sisterinnit (Angst)

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(AN: Hi everyone! This was a request from Nebula_NightXD. It was a really good idea and I enjoyed writing it, so thanks for requesting! (: So in this story your a girl and about 7 years old. My ideas were kind of all over the place but I hope it makes sense anyways, lol. And please note that this does NOT follow exactly the dsmp lore storyline, thank you! Credits to the artist and let's go on with the story!)

You looked around in confusion. Where had all these people come from? And more importantly, why were they surrounding Tommy?

What was going on?

"Tommy...?" you said, your voice trembling a little. At that moment, Dream started to speak.

"You know Tubbo, I trust you." he said. "And I trust that whatever decision you make about Tommy will be the right one. The best decision for this nation. After all, you are the best president this nation has ever had."

Decision about your brother? You thought that it had been decided that Tommy wouldn't be punished. Had he changed his mind?

You tried to go towards your brother but Tubbo held you back. You looked up at him with confusion in your eyes. Tubbo was Tommy's friend, right? Then why was he holding you back?

"What's happening?" you asked.

Tubbo looked at you with a sad smile before looking up at Dream. 

"Dream, I've made my decision."

Your heart skipped a beat. 

"I've decided that the best for the nation, the most logical thing to do, is for Tommy to be exiled from L'Manburg."

Time seemed to stop. You saw Tommy's eyes widen slightly and he froze.

"What....?" he said quietly.

"Ahhhh, well that's an excellent choice, Tubbo." Dream answered. "I always knew you would make the right decision in the end."

You panicked. Tommy would be leaving? You tried your best to get out of Tubbo's grasp to get to your brother, but the goat-boy only held onto you tighter.

Tommy looked at Tubbo, you could see the betrayal he felt on his face. His best friend since, well, forever had just exiled him from a nation he helped create. You couldn't even begin to imagine the pain he must be going through.

Dream started to walk forward and grabbed Tommy's arm, making your brother flinch. They both started to walk away, one of them unwillingly. You had started silently crying, as Tubbo picked you up into his arms, apologizing to you softly. Although, you didn't care. All you wanted was your brother to stay with you.

Speaking of Tommy, he suddenly cried out "Wait! Can I at least say goodbye to my sister first?". Dream thought about it for a few seconds before sighing. 

"Fine. But make it quick."

Your brother hurried towards and grabbed you out of Tubbo's arms, sending a glare the boys way. He hugged you as tight as he could whilst trying to comfort you the best he could. Ironic, isn't it? He was the one leaving everyone and everything, yet you were the one being comforted.

"Why do you have to go, Toms?" you cried. "I don't wanna be left alone!"

"Hey, don't worry, everything will be okay. Just- just stay with Tubbo for now, alright?"

As much as it pained him to say it, someone needed to take care of you, and Tubbo already cared for you a lot.

"But I wanna go with you!" you whined.

"I'm afraid you can't n/n." he replied softly. He sounded as if he was about to cry too.

"Alright, time is up." Dream said as he walked over. 

Tommy quickly handed you over to Tubbo.

"If I find out she gets hurt, I will come back and murder you, got it?"

Tubbo quickly nodded whilst hugging you.

Your brother hesitantly walked away with Dream. Well, it's not as if he had much of a choice. He looked behind him one last time. He mad eye-contact with you and sent a soft smile your way.

It'll be okay, he mouthed. He then turned around and kept walking away with the green bastard.

You clung onto Tubbo, trying to find a sense of comfort. You silently watched as your brother left.

Okay, you thought.

It'll be okay...


601 words

(AN: HELLO! Welcome to the last author's note! :D I know some parts didn't really make sense, but I tried my best lol. Before I go, I just want to mention that even though I've been posting a chapter every day, I won't be able to do that forever. I'll try my best, but don't be suprised if sometimes I disappear for a week or two. If I do, I've either died or am taking a break for my mental health. I hope that was understandable. I hope you enjoyed the story! Have a nice day!)

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