Charlie Slimecicles sister (fluff)

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(AN: Hello everyone! I am alive! (I know, shocker.) I know I kinda dropped off the face of the earth for a like a week, maybe two. Okay maybe a month, but I have returned! I am completely finished with all my music competitions for this school year so I have a lot more free time! Anyways, this was a request from Hatsune_Ally, reader is Charlie's sister and about 4ish years old. Enjoy! :)

"Are you ready y/n!" your brother Charlie asked from beside you.

"You're really letting me come with you?" you asked with your brows scrunched up in confusion. "I thought mom said I had to stay here while she was gone."

"What she doesn't know won't hurt her." he replied with a grin. 

He helped you put on your boots and gave you your hat before holding your hand and walking outside. After locking the door, he pulled you along to the car. Once you were both buckled up, he turned towards you:

"Alright, we're gonna have so much fun!" he said with a smile. "Onwards!"

"Onwards!" you echoed with a giggle from your car seat.

"Yeah! Now, when we get there, the goal of the game is to make people laugh, do you think you can do that?" Charlie questioned.

"Yes! I am the most funny in the world, I can do this! Onwards!" you repeated as your brother smiled at you.

Time skip:

You watched as the boys (Tommy, Wilbur, James, Tubbo and your brother) tried their hardest (and failed) to make Ranboo laugh. You silently approached from the sidelines and poked the tall boy's cheek.

"Why won't you laugh?" you asked with a pout. "Are you sad?"

As the boy didn't want you to worry, he quickly spit out the water from his mouth before turning back towards you. He was about to speak when you let out a gasp:

"Oh no, you must be so sad if you're not able to laugh! Here!" you exclaimed as you jumped onto his lap and gave him a hug.

Ranboo smiled at you softly as you looked up at him with a huge grin, trying to cure his (non-existent) sadness at the best of your capabilities.

"Wow, look at that!" he said. " The sadness is all gone!"

"Yay! I did it!" you cheered. "You're all better now!"

"Of course I am, thank you so much n/n. You're awesome!"

You smiled as you slowly climbed off his lap onto the ground once more, as your brother came to pick you up.

"What about me? I might be sad too!" Charlie exclaimed with a fake pout.

"No you're fine, you've been laughing all day. Now put me down! I want you to keep playing the game!" you dismissed his words with a small wave of your hand.

As the other boys were all making fun of your brother, you saw James gesture at you so you hurried towards him.

"I have a plan so we can win by making Ranboo laugh, do you want to help?" he asked quietly.

"Okay!" you agreed. "What do I have to do?"

Time skip:

"Oh no! I seem to have lost my cat. Have you seen my cat?" James asked as he stopped in front of Ranboo.

The latter shrugged, wondering what the skit was going to be.

"Maybe it's in my backpack. Shall we check?"

Ranboo slowly nodded. What could possibly happen?

"Oh no! It appears my cat ate all of my food! Fuck!"

"Fuck!" you exclaimed as you jumped out of the bag.

Ranboo spit out his water and started to choke out of laughter. He kept looking back at you and laughing even harder.

"You laughed! James we did it!" you cheered as you hugged the mans legs.

"Well then, it appears the winners are James and y/n." Tommy said with a sigh.


Time skip:

"So, did you have fun today?" Charlie asked as the both of you drove home.

"Yeah! I winned, did you know that?" you replied with excitement.

"I did! Oh, and look at that, we're home already."

"I'm gonna go tell mommy that I winned the game!" you said as you quickly unbuckled your seatbelt and ran into the house.

"Wait no! She's not supposed to kno-"

He stopped talking as your mother stepped outside and glared at the boy.

"I thought I told you to stay with y/n at home?" she asked with a raised brow.

"Oh shi-"

700 words

(AN: Me: I'm gonna write an awesome book!

Also me: *disappears for a month*

Oops. But anyways I hope you liked it and the other requests I have should be posted in the next two weeks or so. Thanks for reading, have a nice day! :D)

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