Revivebur and his sister (fluff)

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(AN: HELLO YOU WONDERFUL AMAZING PEOPLE :D! This was requested by Hatsune_Ally. So reader is 6 years old and is Revivebur's little sister. Credits to the artist and enjoy the chapter!)

You were walking through the forest with your brother by your side when all of a sudden, you saw a clearing full of flowers and bees out of the corner of your eye.

You gasped and quickly ran ahead whilst giggling.

"Y/n! Wait for me!" you heard Revivebur say from behind you.

You slowed to a stop and waited for him to catch up. He crouched down to your height and put his hand on your shoulder.  "You can't just run off like that! At least tell me first, okay?"

You were about to reply when a butterfly flew onto your nose and you got distracted. You carefully let the bug climb into your hands and then put it closer to your face to admire it's wings. Your brother just smiled softly at you while shaking his head.

"Hey n/n! I have an idea!" he said.

That caught your attention. You let the butterfly fly away before looking at him.

"What's your idea?" you asked.

"Do you wanna make flower crowns?"

At that moment, you thought it was the best idea in the world. You hurriedly ran around the small clearing and picked multiple of all your favorite flowers. Revivebur stared at you fondly before you noticed he hadn't picked out any flowers at all!

"What are you doing? You have to come choose some pretty flowers to make a crown! Hurry up!" you whined (quite cutely in his opinion).

"Alright, alright, I'm coming, give me a second." he replied whilst laughing slightly.

He grabbed some alliums and cornflowers and you picked some pink tulips and some oxeye daisies. You both were expertly twisting around and tying the flower stems until you were both finished your crowns. You quickly put yours on your head and turned towards your brother.

"Woah! Yours looks so cool n/n!" he exclaimed.

There was a big smile on your face and the flower crown made you look even more adorable.

"I'm gonna make even more crowns!" you suddenly decided. 

You ran towards the nearest flower to grab some more blossoms when you heard Revivebur shout out something from behind you.

"Wait y/n! Those are roses and they have thorns you have to be careful-"

But you had already reached the rose bush and your little hands had reached towards the plant before he was able to stop you. You accidentally cut your palm with a thorn and let out a small yelp of pain. You cradled your hand to your chest and sat down on the grass covered ground, your eyes filling with tears and your bottom lip starting to tremble.

Your brother hurried towards you and kneeled down next to you. He gently grabbed your hand to inspect the cut while you stared at him, a stray tear falling from your eye.

"You got hurt? Well that's no good." he said.

He picked you up into his arms and started walking towards your house.

"How about we go home and get this all fixed up, okay? How does that sound?" he asked with a soft voice.

You looked up at him and muttered:

"Can we watch a movie too?"

"Of course!" he smiled at you. "We can watch anything you want!"

You beamed at him.

"Okay." you replied whilst cuddling more into his chest.

"Okay." he repeated quietly whilst grinning.

He then continued on walking towards the house. When you both arrived, he quickly patched up your hand and then you both watched an awesome movie together.


555 words

(AN: Aight, so I know the ending was kinda rushed but when it landed on 555 words it made me happy so I didn't wanna change it anymore lol. But I hope you enjoyed the story :)

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