Sisterboo (angst)

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(AN: This was another request from Hatsune_Ally! I hope it's angsty enough for you! I'm so glad I was able to post this before the storm got too bad XD. Thank you for requesting! Now, in this story you're Ranboo's little sister, about 5 years old, and it's set during dsmp lore. So, I hope you like this story and credit to the artist of the picture. Enjoy!)

"RANBOO!" you screamed.

How had everything gone this wrong so quickly? It seemed preposterous that an hour ago you were making flower crowns with your brother and some bees.

"Sam, Ranboo didn't even do anything! Why would you KILL him?!" Technoblade asked.

"He's a hostage Technoblade! You have to understand this, right?" Sam replied.

You gripped Techno's pantleg tightly, scared out of your wits. What was going on? Why did Sam want to kill your brother? You didn't understand why you were even here, either. I mean, you were just a kid!

"TECHNOBLADE! WE HAVE TO GO!" you heard Dream yell from afar.

"NO! I am NOT leaving without him!"

Scared out of your mind, you had started silently crying. As tears fell down your cheeks, you looked at your brother. Why wasn't he trying to escape? Why wasn't he fighting back? Nothing made any sense!

Suddenly, you saw Sam move his sword to behind Ranboo, preparing to stab him.

"Fine! It's over Techno!" he said whilst swinging the weapon.

"NO!" you exclaimed.

Then, it was as if the world went silent.

You could hear your brother start to scream and saw Sam look at you in shock. Then, you felt a blinding pain hit you right in the gut. You looked down to see your shirt being stained red and the point of Sam's sword going right through your back and coming out of your stomach.

You fell to the ground and Ranboo hurriedly kneeled beside and grabbed you into his arms. You could feel his tears staining your shirt and the sizzling sound they would make as they burned his skin. You reached up to wipe his tears, not wanting him to get hurt any more.

"Why did you do that?" he asked tearfully. "Now you're hurt! You weren't even supposed to be here! WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS!"

You winced at the pain going through your body before looking at him.

"I did it because now you're okay!" you answered softly. "I'm happy I did this, because now you can stay with your friends!"

"No, don't say that! You have friends too! And you're going to see them soon, because you're going to be perfectly fine, okay?!"

You could see your brother start to panic, so you gathered the strength to lift your arm again and booped his nose, like you did when you were 3.

"It's okay, Boo..." you said. "Don't worry..." you smiled softly at him whilst fighting the pain in your body the best you could. "You're going to be okay....."

Your hand dropped back down to the ground and your brother held you even tigter.

"No! NO! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME Y/N! PLEASE!" he sobbed into your bloodstained shirt.

"I love you big brother!" you said quietly whilst your eyelids fluttered shut.

"I love you too n/n..." 

That was the last thing you heard before everything went dark.


Ranboo could be seen placing some flowers on top of a small grave underneath a willow tree. He sat down next to it, closed his eyes and took a deep breath when suddenly, he heard a noise. He could hear the grass rustling, as if someone was walking towards him which was bizarre, because no one ever came here anymore except for him.

He quickly stood up before turning around and looking in the direction of the sound. He froze in shock and blinked a few times before muttering out a single word.


554 words

(AN: For those who may be wondering, I don't think I'll be making a part 2 for this oneshot, sorry :/. But I do hope you enjoyed it anyway! Also, I would just like to say, don't be afraid of commenting on my stories! Whenever I get a notification from a comment, it makes me really happy and it makes my day awesome when I see that people are enjoying my book! And another thing YOU ARE ALL AMAZING THANK YOU FOR ALL THE READS :DDDD Thank you for reading!)

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