The sleepy girl (angst)

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(A/N: This imagine is... long. But I hope you stick with me till the end, because I really enjoyed writing it! Also, whaaa? Two updates in one day? Lmao. But reader is apart of the sbi family, and is also a girl, sorry. I'll try to write a story with another gender soon. So credits to the artist of the picture, and enjoy!)

8 years old

You tried to pick up the iron sword that your brother Techno had left on the ground, but dropped it, very close to your feet almost slicing your toes off. Hearing the commotion Philza ran outside with Techno right behind him.

"Y/n! What in the world do you think you are doing!" Phil screamed. "You could have gotten hurt! You are too young to be playing with swords!"

"But.. Techno gets to use a sword and we're the same age!"

"End of discussion!" Phil answered.

You looked at your brother, hoping he would support you, but you could only see anger and worry in his eyes.

13 years old

"Come on Y/n! Run faster!" Tommy told you. 

The both of you were racing around the yard, trying to see who could run faster. When suddenly, you heard a small scream.

"Y/n! Stop that immediately! Look at you, you're all dirty! Oh, what would Philza think if he were here..." Wilbur grumbled whilst walking quickly towards you. He grabbed your arm and practically shoved you into the house, while Tommy was still outside, very confused.

"But I was just playing! You guys never let me have any fun!" you said.

"Fun? You are 13 young lady. You need to learn there are different ways to have fun, than rolling around in dirt! You are a girl, for Jeb's sake! Now go wash the dirt off and change into something appropriate."

"What I'm wearing is appropriate." you whispered under your breath.

"What was that?" Wilbur asked.

"Nothing, nothing..."

15 years old

Everyone had left the house, which meant you were finally alone. Finally able to do what you actually wanted to, instead of what everyone expected of you. You walked into your room and pulled up the loose floorboard under your bed which concealed your crossbow and your arrows. Once you were outside, you set up one of Techno's targets and started shooting. You were having such a good time that you didn't realize how long you had been practicing for.

"Y/n!" you heard someone yell.

Shoot. you thought.

"What are you doing!?" Niki said as she approached you. As soon as she was close enough, she took your crossbow and quiver, holding them tightly.

"Uh, I was just, uh.." you stuttered, trying to find an excuse.

"You know that a lady can't have a weapon!"

"But I've been practicing all day and I'm fine!" you tried to explain.

"You've been doing this all day?! Gosh, Y/n, haven't you learned anything? You are a lady. Act like it."

18 years old

"Why did you punch him!?" Techno asked.

"He was making me uncomfortable! He was trying to to bring me somewhere, Tech! Without my permission!" you answered.

"So!? If that ever happens, scream for me or Wilbur to come help you!"

"But you wouldn't of gotten there fast enough!"

"Y/n, please, you're a young woman now. At least try to act like one. A lady shouldn't fight!"

"Well maybe I don't want to be a lady yet!" you exclaimed exasperated.

"Enough! Just come home and we'll talk to Phil once we get there." your brother answered.

21 years old

How did it come to this?

You greeted everyone with a smile on your face as they walked into your home.

"I see you've come to your senses." Wilbur said when he passed you. 

"You're actually acting like a woman should." Phil stated.

Were you actually going to do it?

No one had brought any weapons, as it was you who was having this party. After all, you were only a girl. What could you possibly do? Once everyone was inside, you approached Tommy, the only person who had ever supported in this cruel world.

"Are you ready?" you asked your accomplice.

"Ready as I'll ever be." he answered.

You never were as dainty or fragile as they wanted you to be.

"Welcome dear guests!" you said to the crowd of people. "To start this celebration, I will ask you all to follow me to the living room."

Once they were all there, waiting expectantly for something to happen, they didn't notice you slowly walking to a lever on the wall.

"Now may I please have your attention!" you stated. "I would like to ask you all a question. Why do you all refuse to understand?" you asked. You could see the confusion on their faces, which only encouraged you to continue.

"All these years, I have been taught how to be a lady. I've been told that a lady shouldn't fight, that a girl could never be strong enough to win a battle, I wasn't even allowed to touch a weapon, let alone use one." you said.

"Y/n, stop. You are embarrassing yourself and the family." Phil said angrily whilst approaching you.

"No. You stop." you replied. "Don't you get it? I don't want to be a lady. I have proven multiple times that I was capable of fighting just as much as my brothers, and yet you still refused to leave me alone!" at this point you were yelling, and the only one who wasn't in shock was Tommy, who stood by your side, as loyal as always.

Welcome to my dark side

You pulled the lever which opened a hidden door. A whole army of wither skeletons came rushing in, along with about ten withers. It was absolute chaos. Everyone was screaming and trying to run away. Many people were struck down by a skeleton or hit by a wither. Those who hadn't died were wishing they had, so they could respawn in their beds, perfectly fine. Instead, they were badly injured, laying on the ground, in pain, unable to move.

You just stood there, hugging Tommy with a small smile on your face.

I'm sorry, guys. you thought


Meh, not really

925 words

(A/N: Wow, this is by far the longest imagine I have written yet, but it was so fun to write! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did! Also I need a title idea for this chapter, any suggestions? Thank you for reading, see you next chapter!)

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