Nap Time, Business Time

Start from the beginning

Mr. Serhant agreed with his boss when he said that, before smiling at him. "I think the best bet would be to register your company as a Delaware Corporation." Matt agreed with John when he said that, having read about those in the past. "Yes, I do believe that would be very helpful; that way, me and my wife...along with our three children can run the company from wherever we want to live." That's when Hannah put the clues together, realizing another reason why her boss is moving to California. "For those who didn't get what I was saying, I'm trying to say that we're pregnant with our third children." All of the lawyers agreed with Matt when he said that, all of them being extremely happy for the father. "Congratulations Mr. Casey, please send our best wishes to Gabby as well." The three lawyers said together, which made all of them laugh; they laughed because of the odds of them saying that all at once. After which, John proceeded to speak up; bringing them back to business, he smiled. "Would you like me to speak with Mr. Carson about that?"

Mr. Carson being Adam Carson, Matt's tax attorney in his California Office; and that was why Matt agreed with John when he asked him whether he should talk to him (on his behalf). "I would very much appreciate that John, as I'm sure that he can figure it out for me." John agreed with his boss when he said that, but he could also see that Matt was a bit overwhelmed at the moment. "I can only assume that you're a bit overwhelmed at the moment with everything that needs to happen?" Matt took a breath, before agreeing with John as he asked him that; after all, he most definitely is a bit overwhelmed when it comes to all of this. He never imagined just how much legal paperwork that he'd have to do when it came to starting (and moving) a business; but still, he feels like it's worth it, based solely on the number of jobs that he's created with the wealth that he's recently been blessed with. He wants to give back.

And that's exactly what he's already done, and will continue to do as he continues to build the company (with Gabby's help). "Now, of course, we're also going to have to adjust my billing address; and that means that I'm going to want to get my mail in Los Angeles." The lawyers all agreed with the CEO when he said that, after which Linda Errs (Contracts) spoke up. "Just curious Mr. Casey, I can't help but want to ask about what this means for the entire group of staff that we have here in the Hawaii Office?" Matt smiled as he heard Linda ask him that, as he most definitely does not want to worry any of his staff when it comes to their jobs. "I do not want anybody to worry about their jobs, as they are all safe in Hawaii; if people want to work there, they will continue to be able to work there. However, any current staff who wish to stay at the new main office; they will have first pick when it comes to them being offered a chance to move to Los Angeles." Linda agreed with Matt when he said that, glad that's going to be the case.

"Would you like me to send a memo about that around here? Let people know that there are business opportunities, with guaranteed positions in Los Angeles?" Matt smiled as Linda asked him that, as he most certain did not know whether he wanted to do that; then again, he did like the idea of having some of his existing staff come join them in Los Angeles. That way, they already trust them when it comes to them working on critical projects. "I haven't really thought about that yet Linda, and I am really only talking to you as I need to get it off my plate; as me telling you this allows you guys to get to work on the documents that you guys need to work on, related to the move from Hawaii to Los Angeles. I hope that I can trust you guys to do that without me as much as possible?" John agreed with his boss when he said that. "I believe we would only need your signature at times." Matt agreed with John when he said that, as that made sense. "And I promise, I will give you my signature whenever you need it." That's when Matt opening his e-mail.

After all, he does need to send an e-mail to one of his executives in Hawaii; one of which is not currently on the call, which would be his Chief Technology Officer. As a tech guy, he must know a way for him to do signatures from California for documents in Hawaii.

The Caseys: Family Life, Part 1Where stories live. Discover now