24. Reconciliation

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TW: Thoughts of Suicide, Mentioned and Implied Suicide
March 25th, 2012
1:53 AM
Victoria had a tear streaming down her face as she pulled into the Glen Capri Motel. She didn't know if it was fate or a coincidence that they checked her into Room 217... the same room Alexander Argent carried out at the end of the Argent Code.

She had done a lot of thinking since being bitten. She didn't want to burden Chris or Allison with her body or cover it up.

She remembered Alexander when she had begun dating Chris. He was so brave and strong. She loved and adored Chris, but he was soft. She wanted to be a hunter like Alexander, Gerard, and Kate...

She wrote out every letter she wanted to be passed out, one for Chris, one for Allison, and one for her father. She was so discussed that she would become the very thing that killed her mother when she was 10... she thought about it, but she couldn't live like this.

She opened the curtains so she wouldn't rot or be eaten by rats in this discussing motel room. She pulled out her pistol and prayed, closing her eyes and psyching herself to do this. She was dumb to think of this. Chris needed to find out where she had gone in the middle of the night. She thought she would make up the taps on the winder, but the soft taps turned to bang on the window. She opened her eyes to see what her savior looked like, only to gasp.

"Missed me?" The sinister smile of her sister-in-law shone through the window as if she saw a ghost. Then again, this location was no stranger to ghosts.

March 26th, 2012
12:59 PM
Stiles was a bit freaked out at just how much the lazy weekend had aided in the development of his pups. He was carrying seven pups, hoping it wouldn't get any higher. He barely knew how to care for one pup, let alone 7.

They had gone from pea-sized to baseball-sized pups in just two days, he thought it was impossible, but that's how they developed. He would show by next week while the pups focused on developing their strength and powers.

Stiles had to go to the bathroom several times an hour now. He managed to convince Mrs. Blake that it was a bathroom emergency. "I think he can use the bathroom by himself, Isaac Lahey," Jennifer rolled her eyes as the wolf stood up to follow Stiles.

Stiles didn't give it a second thought to be manhandled as Derek, Scott, or the Betas have done so much, but he was startled to see Chris Argent. "What the fuck did you do to me..."

"Nothing yet. I have five wolves and a Kanima that won't give a second thought to ripping your head off if you make my heart so much as the increase in one beat," He said, and Chris took his hand off Stiles and crossed his arms.

"You made me kill my father..."

"So, he was a maniac like your sister. He threatened my best friend." Stiles said it was obvious, "Jackson," and he heard Jackson booking it from the other side of campus on his way to them. Jackson jumped, shifting into his Kanima, ripping the door off its hinges, and curling at Stiles' feet.

"I am not here for trouble. I am just trying to find out your motives," Chris said as the Kanima shifted down the hall and then circled Stiles' legs.

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