2. Scott is a Idiot

886 34 1

March 9th, 2011, Monday
12:14 PM

Stiles was further in the lunch line than Scott was, so he got to find a table first. Since Lydia and Allison brought their lunch, he had little choice since he would have to sit at the table next to theirs so Scott and Allison could pass notes. Since her grandfather became the principal and her mother was in the office, they had to be more careful. She would like to think that they came to work here to find out who Derek's Betas or Kanima were, but she knew half of the reason was to keep an eye on her and Scott. She began to realize her family wasn't as smart as she used to think. It was clear who the Betas were.

As Scott was making his way to the table, he noticed that Erica and Isaac were sitting on the other side of the cafeteria than Boyd. Scott looked at Allison and Stiles back-to-back, looking at him confused as he walked over and sat with Boyd.

"What the hell is he doing?" Allison asked as Stiles cleaned his teeth with his tongue.

"He is a dumb idiot...." Stiles muttered

"What" Allison looked back at him.

"He overheard Erica and Isaac trying to convince Boyd to leave Derek's pack before they come to ask Scott if they can come to ours,"

"You're right... he is a dumb idiot," Allison sighed.

"What the hell are you two talking about?" Lydia asked.

"Um..." Allison tried to think of a lie.

"Our Dungeons and Dragons club," Stiles said, and Lydia immediately changed the topic to her hair.

"Hello, Boyd," Scott said while sitting down.

"What do you want?" Boyd asked, looking over to Isaac and Erica, not knowing what to do; he wasn't good at making up a lie on the spot. They hadn't planned for Scott to come to them before they went to him. "Let me guess. You overheard our conversation this morning?"

"No... well, yes, but you seem upset today. Is everything okay?"

"What?" Boyd raised his eyebrows.

"In 3rd period, I heard you were texting pretty fast. Then I could smell that you were sad," Scott asked. Boyd stabbed his rubber-like steak uncomfortable. The pack didn't talk about feelings or home life. "Well, I can see you don't want to talk. I just wanted to let you know, wolf to wolf, you can trust me. Derek and I have history,"

"You and I have history, and it's not good," Boyd snapped and remembered that he was trying to get on Scott's good side.

"I mean, it might seem that Derek and I hate each other, but we don't agree on what to do with the Kanima. You and I... Erica and Isaac too," Scott said because he knew that they were listening, "You have crossed me because of Derek, but I did some messed up things for my Alpha. Just say the word, and we will have a clean slate," He got up from the seat and walked to Stiles' table, confusing the three Betas. He sat down with a slap to the back of the head from Stiles and then Allison. "Hey?" he whined, "What was that for?".

"For your stupid faith in people," Stiles muttered, stabbing the food on his plate. Isaac was watching Stiles more than his pack members were now. He didn't eat anything for 20 minutes. He looked more like he was playing with it. When he did eat, it was a tiny bit of his steak. He watched Scott and Allison, not paying attention to Lydia and Stiles. They were talking back-to-back. Stiles was still talking, mostly to himself. Lydia would take breaks from slyly texting on her phone to interject Stiles' ramblings to correct him or add to his theories on how the School's Faculty is trying to sabotage them. He had noticed that the meat was slowly getting worse and tasting more copper-like, and Lydia noticed that the teachers had been giving her lower grades when she knew it was satisfactory work.

When lunch was over, everyone dumped their trays and stacked them with the rest as they went to their next class. Stiles hated it when he wasn't in class with his friends. Trigonometry would be a class where he wanted to sit next to Lydia. The two people Stiles shared the class with were Isaac and Erica, who always sat in the back of the room. That's why when Stiles sat down, he groaned when Erica and Isaac sat on both sides; he wouldn't have minded so much if they were any better at math than him.

Isaac noticed that Stiles didn't talk when his friends weren't around. He had homeroom with only Stiles. He remembered being annoyed by the boy the entire time they had gone to school together because talked endlessly. He was either whispering to his friends or himself. He furrowed his eyebrows together as he realized that maybe Stiles was cautious about not talking when they were in the room because he tends to say something he shouldn't be in earshot of. Isaac didn't know this, but when Stiles was talking nonstop in the cafeteria. It was to distract from Allison and Scott's conversation about what they needed to do about Jackson, but they used a code name for him to be safe. Isaac devised a plan that proved to be better than seducing Stiles. He would follow Stiles around without him knowing he would be bound to spill something while talking to himself.

Stiles crossed his arms and just tried to focus on the lecture, but it was hard to focus since he had been on the new medicine. His vision had gone blurry, and his body was shaking. He couldn't stop his hands and feet from their tremors, the people around him thought it was just him being annoying, but he couldn't control it. His mother had been diagnosed with Schizophrenia when she was 10, so when Claudia Died, her parents kept a close eye on him. Sheriff Stilinski had symptoms when he was 14, so the doctor prescribed him Anti-Psychotics. When they had gone to another psychologist last year, they were concerned that his former doctor had prescribed Adderall for his ADHD. Some of Stiles' side effects had worn off after he had the Adderall out of his body. However, he suffers from body tremors, dizziness, and energy. He had tried telling the doctor and his father that the medicine didn't work. He still has hallucinations and hears voices. The Sheriff gets upset when he doesn't take his medicine. He even makes him do drug tests now and then to make sure he is taking them.

Isaac noticed Stiles' face getting red and wondered why. It wasn't even close to being warm in the building or outside. Stiles was growing frustrated that he couldn't control his shaking. He always wanted control. It wasn't helping now that there was a werewolf 2 feet taller than him starting into the right side of his head.

"Cut it out, Isaac," Stiles muttered under his breath and then looked to the Beta, who only tilted his head into a taunting smirk.

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