7. Limbo

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Thank you to  Whitney_Hamilton  for editing Stiles' eyes. Also, check out her at YourMpregDesires.

"Where are you taking me? I want Scott,"

"Scott isn't here. If he were here, you wouldn't have almost been taken by the reptile... you don't even know what's going on, do you," Derek muttered as he found a small creek behind his house. He tossed Stiles in it, washing the Kanima's pee off him. "Now, tell me who the Kanima is," Derek looked into Stiles' eyes, "Fuck!" He pinched the bridge of his nose as Stiles' eyes were still pink.

"Let me go, Derek!" Stiles shouted, finally having enough of being manhandled, even if his body did love it. He pulled back, trying to back out of Derek's grip, but it only made Derek turn on him, snarling at him to submit. Stiles wasn't one of his Betas. Stiles glared back at the Alpha, "Why are everyone's eyes pink," Stiles demanded. Derek didn't answer and just dragged Stiles, if he was walking or not, to a bigger body of water.

Claiming a mate was different for every species. Vampires would imprint by biting the human, werewolves would mark their mate with their bite, and reptiles would pee on theirs. It was like a love potion; the human didn't have to have any feelings for them. Their fluid had a pheromone that would make the human claim whoever they made eye contact with, as most reptiles had Human Masters. The Kanima Master had been leaving venom in Stiles' Stab Wounds. This would almost guarantee that Stiles obeyed the Master when they communicated. Derek couldn't tell what Stiles' other scars had been from. Though he hated the boy, he was intrigued. Derek found a spring and picked Stiles up when he refused to get in the water, it was 43 Degrees outside, and Stiles could feel the frost coming from the water.

"Derek, just let me go home and take a shower," Stiles tried climbing up Derek as he waded into the water. He clings to Derek as his body almost shuts down with the ice bath. "Scott!" Stiles screamed as he saw the tiny silhouette of Scott running to them. Derek quickly tried to wash off the urine before they could make contact, but it was too late as Scott got closer, and his red eyes turned pink. With a small pause, Scott kept running full force to Stiles. He jumped into the water and split Derek from Stiles.

"What the hell is going on here," Scott roared at Derek. Stiles clung onto Scott, shivering and chattering his teeth together. He looked at Stiles' eyes, they were not a pale pink anymore, but they were a Mauve color replacing his brown irises. When the wolves eyes shifted from their wolves, they would have similar colors. As Stiles turned into a popsicle, the Alpha filled Scott in on what had transpired. Scott widened his eyes in horror at what his best friend had just gone through... but the only thing on his mind was, 'What will Allison think?'. He was planning on making her his mate. Would she say no now because Stiles was his mate? He didn't know what he was doing or had any control over it... but that still didn't pull Scott out of this shit situation.

"Well... what do we do now?" Stiles chattered his teeth. Scott decided they should get out of the spring now. Boyd and Isaac offered Stiles their dry clothes, and he practically snatched Boyd's shirt off his body to cover up.

"Tell my brother that I am here and why...." Laura told Stiles, and he muttered 'Shut up' under his breath. Derek raised his eyebrows at Stiles.

"He talks to himself sometimes," Scott shrugged.

Damaged - Stiles Stilinski - 18+ MpregWhere stories live. Discover now