15. Bitch Face

484 29 7

March 17th, 2012
12:02 AM

"What the fuck is Scott McCall doing on my roof?" Danny raised an eyebrow as he was on Ethan's lap. The wolf widened his eyes as he grabbed his boyfriend's wrist; Danny looked at Ethan weirdly as he walked over to the window and opened it up.

"Hi Ethan," Scott smiled, "Danny..."

"Why are you on my roof?" Danny liked Scott but was annoyed that he had interrupted Ethan and him, "How did you even get up here... Do you know how doorbells and front doors work? Right?"

"Sorry, I was wondering if you could do something for me... Do you know what brand this is?" Scott asked, showing Danny the small camera. "Danny, I can not express how important this is," He said when Danny rolled his eyes.

"Let me see it," Danny sighed as Ethan stood up.

"Is everything okay?" Ethan asked. He knew about the Kanima. He and Aiden had been laying low since Scott ran Deucalion out of town.

"I don't know... It was in Stiles' room, and he wasn't aware of it," Scott told them.

"Is his Dad worried about him?" Danny asked, ruling out the Sheriff.

"Stiles' Dad wouldn't do that... Stiles has a stalker," Scott told them, and they chuckled.

"Oh... You're serious," Ethan said, and Scott nodded seriously. He sighed because he was relieved that Stiles was safe and obeying his orders, but he felt a pang of guilt for being such a jerk. He looked back to the Jeep to see Stiles sulking out the window.

"It looks like this is a Bluetooth micro camera from some Japanese company," Danny told him.

"Is there a way for you to recover the footage?"

"I don't..."

"Please, Danny," Scott was cruel and brought out his killer move, his cute puppy dog eyes.

"I don't know. I will see what I can do-" Danny said, and Scott smiled, hugging him, "No! Use the... Door," Danny muttered under his breath as Scott hopped down the roof.

"Your phone keeps ringing," Stiles spoke after hours of the silent treatment, "It's probably your cunt girlfriend..." Stiles only spoke to piss Scott off. Usually, Scott would fall into fighting with him when Stiles would talk about Allison, but after what happened today, he was going to treat Stiles with safety gloves.

"He said that he would take a look at it, okay? Maybe the master was sloppy and got his face on camera," Scott said, touching his friend's forearm, but Stiles had none of it. "Sti, please... I am trying here. I am allowing you to sleep with Derek and the others,"

"It's so valiant of you to allow me to sleep with people so that they won't become monsters and kill me..." Stiles muttered, crossing his arms tighter at his chest.

"Buddy... I know you think-"


"Fine... You know I am being difficult, but you aren't an Alpha... You aren't feeling the things I am. Me just thinking about Derek touching you drives me crazy."

"How do you think I feel with you and Allison," Stiles shot back, and Scott pinched the bridge of his nose. "I am not going to be some sort of concubine while you and Alli get to run around and have fun with each other," Stiles tried to wipe a tear away before Scott noticed.

"Buddy-" Scott noticed.

"Whatever, Scott... Just-" He began, but Scott's phone ran. The Alpha picked it up in the middle of their conversation because it was Allison. Stiles scoffed as Scott realized that was rude.


"Scott, what have you been doing? I have called you five times..." Allison asked, "Is Stiles with you?"

"No-" Scott said, and Stiles gave him a look like he was about to punch a hole through his face, "Fine, yes, I am. We found a hidden camera in his room. I took it to Danny to see if he could trace something out of it."

"Oh, okay, Smart..." Allison decided not to be pushy with Stiles, she sensed that Stiles was going to be difficult, so she wanted to trick Scott into thinking she was the more rational one. "I am outside Harris House. I am about to go in,"


"Gotta go," Allison hung up.

Scott looked frantically at Stiles, who just looked exhausted from emotions, "If I see her bitch face, I am going to stab her eyes out," Stiles said, and Scott groaned.

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