6. Marking Stiles

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Trigger Warnings: Implied Non-Consent, Stiles is peed on (Though it isn't watersports), Non-Consensual Mate Claiming, Fake Lore, Dubious Consent.

March 12th, 2012
5:29 PM

Stiles was still transfixed on the spirits. Isaac took off in the direction of the half-built house, taking Stiles by the wrist since he was confused about the flying spirits. Isaac couldn't touch loose Mountain Ash; he was lucky it was in a Jar. He flung the jar in the air, and just in time, the Mountain Ash spread a circle around them as the Kanima jumped out of the trees. The Lizard jumped to attack Isaac, but the boundary shot him back.

"Oh great, now you lured the Kanima here too," Stiles gestured to the 9-foot-tall Lizard, then crossed his arms, glaring at Isaac.

"How did I lure the Kanima?" Isaac said through gritted teeth, "You're the one out in the forest by yourself, talking to no one waiting to be prey for anything that comes along,"

"I wasn't talking to myself," Stiles pushed Isaac. He avoided hitting the boundary. "I know you are leaving Derek's pack is just some scheme to get closer to Scott."

"Stiles, seriously, pick your fights," Isaac snarled. Stiles shut his mouth. Isaac began to howl for Derek's help, but Stiles put a hand over his mouth, "What? You have a better idea?" Isaac asked as the Kanima circled them.

"I will call Scott," Stiles searched around in his pockets for his phone. He closed his eyes and sighed, remembering he had left it on the would-be porch of the house. "Just... don't call Derek,"

"Tell him to call for Derek," Laura appeared, looking at the Kanima for the first time, "This is serious. It has already killed too many people. It needs to be put down." She said, and he shook his head. She viewed the Lizard in disgust and looked at the ghosts he had made, Coach Lahey, Bennett the Hunter, and Tucker Cornish. Stiles tried not to look at them, especially Tucker. Jackson's birth parents were also there. That's how he knew the Kanima was Jackson before anyone else. Stiles could still hear Tucker's screams as the Jeep lowered down on him. He didn't want to see it... he had closed his eyes when it happened.

"What do you want me to do then," Isaac said while Laura pleaded to Stiles.

"If he calls for that Monster, he will kill my son," Gordan Miller, Jackson's father, interjected. This seemed to allow all the spirits to snap out of their daze, then they all argued. Laura argued with Jackson's parents. Camden and his Father started punching each other. Tucker and Bennett started to plead with Stiles asking him what was happening. All of them being around him was draining him and giving him a massive headache. The Kanima kept trying to get past the barrier.

"Okay! Okay, just shut up!" Stiles shouted.

"I haven't said anything," Isaac looked at him like he was crazy. At least all of the Spirits shut up.

"Um... wait. He will get bored eventually and leave," Stiles told him.

"That's quite literally the dumbest idea you have ever said. He is a predator, and they don't leave until they have their prey," Isaac told him, "and it looked like he is after you," Isaac pointed out. He stood up, peering down at Stiles. The Kanima had stopped trying to get in.

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