The Name Game - Round Two: Grace Elizabeth Casey

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Getting close to Gabby, Matt smiled as he tugged her close to him and just smiled at the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world; after which, Matt leaned in and proceeded to kiss her softly. Taking things slow with Gabby, Matt smiled as he just held her close. "If you don't want to talk about it..." Gabby smiled. "We can do it, because we need to do it eventually." Matt agreed with his wife as she told him that, before wrapping his arm around her so that he can bring her body against his; after which, he wrapped his arm around Gabby's back as they held each other close. He then leaned in and smiled as he proceeded to take things nice and slow with the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world. "I love you." Gabby agreed with Matt as he told her that. "I love you too." Matt smiled as he heard Gabby tell him that, before smiling as he looked down into her eyes. After which, Gabby smirked due to the fact that she's madly in love with the man who's currently holding her in bed this morning; and boy is this nice and comfortable.

Putting his hand on her side, Matt smiled as he and Gabby just cuddled up to each other. "So, what are we doing? I mean, we're both talking about creating a life here and starting fresh; but we also have those two homes in Hawaii, homes where we made memories with the boys. And I don't want to say that we have to make these decisions now but..." Gabby shook her head. "Hey, we can most definitely talk about it. But there is something that I want to think about. I can't help but think about the reason that we came here in the first place." Matt sighed as he heard Gabby tell him that, well aware that's the case. "Yeah, I know what you mean." Gabby smiled as she heard Matt tell her that. After which, she leaned in and proceeded to kiss the man she loves more than anything in the entire world. The man she craves more than anything in the entire world right now. "But yeah, I guess...I'm still a bit traumatized from that idea. The idea that our sons could've been in that position rather than Jay and Alex." Matt agreed with his wife, before taking a breath.

"And I know, things may be worse here in California. But I feel like...something just feels different here. I think that we can keep the boys safe, and I feel like we're really at home here." Matt smiled as he heard Gabby say that, as that's something that he really likes to hear. He likes the sound of her telling him that this is where she feels safe, and at home here. "Then this is where we should be, because I want to make sure that you feel at home where we live. And I know that Chicago isn't that place anymore." Gabby took a breath as she heard Matt tell her that, as that most certainly was the case. "Are you mad that I feel like I can't call Chicago home anymore?" Matt seemed very taken aback when he heard Gabby ask him that, as that was never going to be the case; and the truth is, he can never be mad at her. He loves her more than anything in the entire world, and that will always be the case.

"Baby, do you really think that I could ever be mad at you for wanting to pick a place other than Chicago to call home? Gabby, I love you, and I know that we have all those bad memories in Chicago. Do you really think that I want you to live somewhere that you're always miserable?" Gabby took a breath when her husband asked her that, before smiling at her. After which, they both leaned in and took things nice and slow with each other. And there was just something about the kiss that they were currently sharing, that was so damn special. And boy is she glad that they're currently in the midst of holding each other close, as she is so happy that they're currently sharing this nice kiss. Smiling at him as she pulls away from the kiss, Gabby smirked due to the fact that this really is everything that she wants to feel right now. "I love you so damn much." Matt agreed with his beautiful wife as she told him that, smiling at her; after all, this is his dream. And he's more than happy to be here with his extremely beautiful wife.

And he feels so honored to have the ability to call her his wife, and always will. "I swear, I feel so honored to call you my wife Gabby; and I hope you know that." Gabby agreed with Matt as he told her that, before smiling as she put her hands on his chest; after which, Gabby wrapped her arms around his neck and just smiled due to the fact that they're both really happy with each other. There's just something about this man that always makes her happy, and Matt feels the same way; which is the best part about this life that they have, that Matt feels the same way. Tugging her body against his (again), Matt smirked as he felt Gabby slip her legs in between his as they just relaxed with each other right now. "I'm so glad that this is our life." Gabby agreed with Matt when he told her that, before smiling as she ran her hand down his toned chest. The way that they're holding each other close right now truly is perfect, and there's nothing that Gabby would rather be doing with her husband right now. She just wants to hold him close to her and relax in his arms.

She then proceeded to wrap her arms around him and just cuddled up to him. Wrapping his arm around Gabby's back, Matt smiled as he proceeded to kiss her forehead softly. After which, Matt just smiled due to the fact that they're both really comfortable with each other right now. "What's on your mind right now baby?" Gabby smiled as she looked up at the man she loves more than anything in the entire world. "I'm thinking about how amazing my husband is, and just how great of a father he is." Matt snickered a bit when he heard Gabby tell him that, well aware that he loves the fact that he's the father of their children. "And I'm thinking about how amazing my beautiful wife is, and just how amazing a mother she is to our boys." Gabby smiled due to the fact that they're just holding each other close right now. Stroking her back as they both held each other close, Matt just smirked due to the fact that they're just holding each other close right now. And there's really nothing like the two of them holding each other close right now. "You comfortable?"

Gabby agreed with Matt when he asked her whether she's comfortable in his arms, because she most definitely is comfortable in his arms; I mean, what wife doesn't want to cuddle up to her husband as they relax in bed, especially when she's pregnant with their child. "I still can't believe that we're having a third child in one year." Matt agreed with his beautiful wife when she said that, smiling due to the fact that was exactly what he's thinking about right now. "I can't believe that we've been so lucky since you came back." Gabby agreed with Matt as he told her that, before smiling as he leaned in and kissed her softly. After which, Matt smirked due to the fact that they're just so happy with each other. "You starting to get tired?" Gabby sighed as Matt asked her if she was getting tired, because she was. "Sorry." Matt shook his head when he heard Gabby say that she's sorry about being tired, because she shouldn't be. "Hey, don't you dare be sorry over the fact that you're tired due right now; you have every right to feel tired as you're pregnant."

Gabby agreed with Matt as he told her that, smiling due to the fact that she's really happy right now. After all, there's nothing like the feeling of the two of them just holding each other close right now. "I love you so much." Gabby agreed with Matt when he told her that, smiling as they both just held each other close right now. "Listen, I'm going to take a nap if that's okay." Matt smiled as he brought Gabby close to her, that way they can hold each other close and just relax; wrapping his arm around her tight, Matt just smiled due to the fact that they're holding each other close right now. Wrapping her arms around Matt, Gabby smiled as she stroked his back as they held each other close in bed. And let's just say that this truly is perfect, and there's nothing like the both of them just holding each other close like this. Running her hands up and down his back, Gabby smiled due to the fact that they're both incredibly happy. "I love you Gabby." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that. "I love you too Matt." Leaning in, Matt smirked as he kissed her softly.

"I love you too Gabby, have a good nap." Gabby smiled, agreeing with Matt as he told her that; after which, she pushed him onto his back. "Let me guess, you want me to sleep on my back?" Gabby nodded. "Yep." Matt just smiled as he heard Gabby tell him that, getting all comfortable on his back; after which, he watched as his girls (hopefully) crawled onto his chest. Laying down on Matt's chest, Gabby smiled as she cuddled up to him and held him close. After which, Matt proceeded to grab the covers and tugged them up on top of the both of them. Turning his head afterwards, Matt smiled as he kissed her forehead softly and whispered to her. "Have a good nap my miracles." Gabby smiled as she heard Matt say that, running her hand up and down his chest before falling asleep on it.

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