Chapter Ninety-Nine

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Everleigh, John B, and JJ all got some shuteye at the chateau for the first time in a while, trying to catch up on any sleep they missed. JJ and Everleigh fell asleep on the couch before they even had the chance to get to Everleigh's room. But, they were both woken up when John B began to ring a bell. They all changed into new clothes and hung out on the screened in porch.

He eventually made his way back inside, skating back and forth on a skateboard. He was rambling on about Topper and the previous night. "It's something about the dude's face, you know? Like the whole, '!+ hard feelings, bro.' You know what I'm saying."

"'No hard feelings.' It's kinda hard not to have hard feelings about that." JJ adds, indirectly talking about when Everleigh saw him and Kiara so close to one another.

"Yeah, trust me I know." Everleigh comments sarcastically with a scoff, making JJ roll his eyes.

"It's just that... that look. That Kook look, you know?" John B continues.

"He's a total douche." Everleigh sighs, tightening an earring in her left ear.

"It was clear provucation." JJ messes up a word.

"Provocation." Everleigh corrects him.

JJ nods and leans over with his elbows on his knees. "Provocation, and, uh, I mean, you had to do what you had to do." JJ mumbles. "No choice about it."

"Thank you. No choice."

Everleigh makes a face, "No, you definitely had a choice." She smiles.

"Shut up." John B smiles. "Anyways, we gotta figure out a plan to South America, like, yesterday." He says, walking into another room making Everleigh and JJ stand up to follow him. "They've got our dad."

"Do you have any food real quick, though." JJ asks. He didn't get a chance to take any food from the party yesterday like Everleigh did. He was starving after not eating for some time.

"So, I was thinking passports." John B ignores him.
"We don't have those. Therefore, we can't fly commercial. We need other ideas."

"Okay, well, don't you got the money that you took from Portis?" JJ asks as John B opens the fridge to look through it.

"I have that to my dad." John B mumbles.

Everleigh shakes her head in frustration, "So then what about a boat?" She asks. John B smelt the food he took from the fridge and immediately gagged. It wasn't fresh, so she didn't know what he was expecting to get. "If we got a boat, maybe we could get down there 'cause the HMS, yeah, you know about the HMS."

"Oh! Limbrey!" JJ exclaims. "Limbrey has a boat. What if we took that one down?" Now he was looking through the fridge for food to eat.

"Yeah, no, she took that back." John B tells him. "And the HMS is not gonna make it down to the Port of Spain, so out on the boats."

JJ takes a bite out of the food that almost made John B puke, making Everleigh nearly gag. "So what your saying is, we don't got any money, and we also don't have a boat that can make it to South America. Great."

"Unbelievable." John B mumbles after seeing what he was eating.

Everleigh couldn't even look at him chewing on the food. Her and John B both looked like they could've thrown up just by seeing him eating it.

"Actually, I might know a guy." JJ says, talking to himself at this point. "I'm onto something."

"Okay, well we can talk about it after you brush your teeth." Everleigh cringes. "Don't come anywhere near me until you brush your teeth."

But John B was distracted. He was looking out of the window. "Uh oh." John B says, dropping below the window.

"What the fu..." Everleigh questions, walking over to see what he was looking at. But then she saw the car that was pulled onto their property. "Uh oh." She repeats John B, dropping next to him.

"Guys, you don't start with uh oh." JJ nags, not seeing the two teens crouched behind him. "You're so negative."

John B scurries forward and drags JJ down. "Get down!" He whisper shouts. "Shoupe is out front right now."

"Alright, John B." Shoupe announces.

Everleigh flinches when she hears his voice. "Shit!"

They all start crawling away from the window, shutting the fridge door behind them.

"Yoo hoo, anybody home?" Shoupe shouts again. "John B!"

John B points to a table and him and JJ crawl under it. But, Everleigh looks at them like they were nuts as they banged into the wall. Instead, she just sat with her back pressed against the fridge.

"Alright, John B, I know you're in there." Shoupe knocks on the door repeatedly.

JJ whispers, apparently not getting the cue to shut up. "If he sees you, it's game over."

"I know, okay, JJ." John B argues back.

Shoupe continues to knock. "I know you can hear me in there. You need to come out here and talk to me. It'll be a whole lot worse if you don't."

Finally, they hear the door open then shut, and Everleigh stands up to make sure he wasn't still there. She looks out the window and watches him go around the Twinkie, making her brows furrow in total confusion.

She looks at him as Shoupe looks into the house again. "Okey doke. Have it your way. You know where you can find me."

"He's gone, idiots." Everleigh tells them as she watches his truck pull away.

John B and JJ look at each other before John B whispers again, "Alright, let's peel."

"Alright, I got a plan, alright?" JJ says once he is first to get out. "I think it might work. It's a little sketchy. Might not like it, but I think it will work."

"No, no, no, no. Wait, wait, wait." John B stops JJ before he walks out. "What plan?"

JJ shakes his head, "If I tell you know when the plan is half baked, you're gonna get all negative."

"Look, at this point. We'll settle for a quarter baked type of plan, JJ." John B whines.

JJ makes one of the most obnoxious noises he'd ever made in his life, mimicking John B. "Come on."

"Don't you dare make that noise at me." John B mumbles as he and Everleigh follow JJ out the door and into the Twinkie.

Whatever JJ's plan was, he was pretty confident about it. But him not telling John B or Everleigh what it was, only made them think it would be dangerous or too risky.

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