Chapter Forty-Two

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That night Everleigh slept close to JJ, laying her head on his chest, only catching a couple hours of sleep.

The next morning, they all went to where the sewers let out.

"This is the North drain." JJ says, "It should've gotten washed into the gully. So if it got flushed out from this drain, it would've been pushed out to somewhere like..."

"This trash." Pope says finishing JJ's sentence.

"Correct." JJ answers him.

Kiara deeply exhales, "Oh my god, people who use plastic should be shot."

"Okay personally, I love plastic. Use it everyday. Love the stuff." JJ responds to Kiara.

A smiles tugs at Everleigh's lips, and she shakes her head.

"Okay, well, hopefully you recycle it and don't flush it into the ocean." Kiara says, sending a death stare JJ's way.

Pope exhales, "I thought you'd say something like that, so, trash bags." Pope says, holding up a role of bags.

"Did you just proactively protect the environment?" Everleigh asks Pope.

Pope keeps his eyes locked with Kie, "Maybe."

"You want us to leave you two alone, or what's going on?" JJ asks.

Pope throws the bags at JJ's chest. "Like we don't leave you and Everleigh alone."

"In our defense, we've never confirmed us dating" Everleigh says, shrugging her shoulders.

"Never denied it either." Kiara fires back.

"Just pick up the trash." Pope says rolling his eyes.

They all spend a little while cleaning the area.

When he stand back up he rubs his forehead, "Well, that was fun."

He lifts the bag over the top of the drain, his arms flexing. Everleigh blushes, watching the muscle's on his arms.

She loved things about JJ, that she loved even when she only liked him, before they were dating. And they always gave her butterflies.

They never "got used" to the relationship, and treated everyday with each other like it was their last.

"If it's not in the trash, then it's gotta be somewhere in the storm drain." Pope mumbles.

"It's in the drain." JJ agrees nervously.

"Damn it." Pope whispers.

"Of course it is." Kiara complains.

"Good thing I brought the crow." JJ says, pulling out a crowbar from his bag, prying it open.

"So are we gonna do rock paper scissors or alphabetically?" Kiara offers, "Or oldest goes."

"In the sewer, there's this worm that you get when you're down there. It gets in your blood, and then it has to come out your pecker." JJ explains, "So, uh, that would be a hard pass for me."

"That's gonna me a no for me too." Pope adds.

"I'll go." Everleigh smiles, up for an adventure that won't kill her.

"No you won't." JJ says quickly.

"Uh yes I will, and Kiara will come with me." Everleigh snaps back.

"No I won't." Kiara scoffs.

"I get it, you guys are scared." Everleigh chuckles.

JJ shakes his head, "I'm not scared."

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