Chapter Three

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The teenagers made their way into the coast guards station. There were tons of people waiting to complain. Everleigh grabbed ahold of her wrist, squeezing it. John B took quick note of it and pushed his fingers between her hand and wrist, causing them to separate.

"Draw on your hand, Ev." He says, so only she can hear.

She starts to draw on the top of her hand, trying to distract herself from all of the yelling, arguing, and tight spaces between people.

John B and JJ were trying to get someone's attention. They were quickly sent away. Everleigh left the building as quick as possible, looking down at the red mark her hand had left on her wrist. John B had brought up a plan. They were going to the motel room.

JJ let out a whistle, "I thought the Château looked bad."

"You act like you don't make half the mess." Everleigh remarks laughing.

JJ laughs, he knew she was right.

"This place is a shitshow." cringed John B.

"Motel or meth lab?" asked Kie, looking at the haunted looking motel.

"You be the judge." answers Pope.

"Doesn't look like the place a person with a Grady-White would live." Everleigh added.

"No. It looks like a place a person with a Grady-White would get killed." Pope says with a shaky voice.

JJ starts to use his static captain voice as they pulled up to land. "This is your captain speaking. HMS Pogue comin' in for landing."

Everleigh smiles at the silly voice. She wasn't falling for him. No way in hell.

John B, JJ, and Everleigh all step out of the boat.

"Hey." Pope starts. "Don't let them do anything stupid." Pope asks, poking his head in Everleigh and JJ's direction.

"Oh we will." He says, wrapping his arm around Everleigh's shoulder. She just nods to Pope with a cocky smile.

"I'm not making any promises." John B says truthfully. He knew he wasn't going to be able to stop them from having fun.

"Yeah, I know." Pope mumbles under his breath.

Kiara steps up to the front of the boat, looking at John B, "Uh, be careful." she starts, "I mean it."

JJ and Everleigh shoot each other a confused look.

John B let's out an awkward laugh, "Yeah."

They make their way through the muddy lawn, then continuing up a staircase.

"Why are all of these mattresses out?" asks Everleigh.

"After a hurricane, they ditch 'em 'cause they're moldy." He responds before smirking and looking at Everleigh. He winks at her and mouths 'watch this'. He turns his head to look at John B, "Just be so careful John B." he says, trying to mimick Kiara.

"God you're so weird." John B groans. Everleigh bites her lip, holding in laughter.

"What was that about?" JJ asks, wanting an answer.

"I don't know, maybe she wants us to be careful." He rolls his eyes in response.

"Since she heard you're being threatened with exile, she's just been, like, Oh! Be so careful, John B." He smirks, rubbing John B's shoulders.

"Oh, John B. Be so safe John B." Everleigh laughs, jokingly smudging his face with her hands.

"Do you two ever stop?" He says, shoving Everleigh's hands away.

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