Chapter Seventy

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"Nice work, John B." JJ says, rolling his eyes and letting go of Everleigh. "You know these things lock from the outside, right?"

"Okay, I was just trying to get us on the boat, JJ." John B argues back annoyed. "I wasn't thinking that far ahead."

"We're stuck in here like rats." JJ argues back.

"JJ can you just... just take a breather?" Everleigh asks him, fanning herself with her hands.

"It's hot." Kiara whispers, taking off her jacket.

"JJ, you're not helping." Pope tells JJ.

JJ sits down across from Everleigh, "You don't have a lot of room to talk right now." JJ replies to him. "You said you had a plan, but what happened to thinking ahead?"

"I find your lack of self-knowledge disturbing." Pope argues back dully.

JJ stands back up, but when Everleigh reaches for him, he pulls away. "Last I checked, you literally shot an oil container with the gat. Remember that?"

"Oh my God! Shut up. Shut up!" Kiara says, putting her leg between Pope and JJ. "Pull it together."

Everleigh stands up and limps over to her brother, sitting on the containers infront of him, brushing his hair out of his eyes with her hands, smiling at him.

"Let's try to find a way out of here." Pope says, looking around the big metal box they were stuck in.

After a while of looking around Everleigh sits in front of her brother.

"Hey, Pope, how do you kill a snake?" JJ asks randomly.

Everleigh wipes the sweat off of her face and leans her head against the wall of the container.

"You go for the head." Pope mumbles back, shaking his head.

"Exactly." JJ says, "But the head, in this instance, is the bridge. To take the bridge, we need maximum firepower. And I happen to know that there's and armory on this ship in case of pirate attacks." JJ explains.

"Pirate attacks." Kiara laughs under her breath.

"Just what you and Pope need, JJ." Everleigh smirks, looking at her boyfriend. "More guns."

"We love guns, suns out guns out." JJ says, raising and flexing his arms, making Everleigh laugh. "If we take that... and I'm not just talking pistols."

"You lost me." Kiara says, walking to the front of the container.

"I'm talking knives." JJ continues as Kiara pushes past him.

"Killing everybody here is not a plan." Kiara says, stopping to look at JJ and then walking away again.

"Ah, we lost her." JJ sighs, pointing at Everleigh. "But I'm serious. If we get to the armory, I'm talking AKs, pistols, knives, double-barrels..."

"JJ!" John B whisper yells, putting his hands on JJ's shoulders.

"What?" JJ asks confused.

"We gotta get out of here." John B says, looking him in the eye. "We can't do anything if we're still stuck in here."

"If I just get enough pressure. I can Spartan kick that thing open." JJ lies.

"Are you like a ninja or something?" Everleigh asks him, standing up from the spot she was sitting and limping over to him.

"Honestly." John B agrees. "You're not kicking shit."

"Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!" Pope whisper yells, making JJ, John B, and Everleigh stop bickering with one another.

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