Chapter Eighty

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"Get away from me!" Everleigh screams as she climbs into the bathtub.

"I'm tired of this shit, okay?" Rafe screams back, smiling at Everleigh before tucking himself behind the door.

"Back up!" Everleigh screams, putting her leg up on the bathtub, making herself look like a lifeless body.

Rafe raises the vase he had in his hand in the air. "I'm gonna kill you, Everleigh." Then, Rafe threw the vase at the ground as hard as he could, making it shatter into a million pieces across the ground.

"Hey you two..." The guard who was standing outside their door talks, "What you do?" They didn't make a sound as they heard the door being unlocked, their plan coming together. The floorboards creaked as the man approached the bathroom, seeing Everleigh leg in the bathtub. "What be this?"

The next sound that was heard was Rafe slamming the door on the man, knocking him backwards. Then his fist colliding with his jaw.

Everleigh stood up in pain, grabbing the gun that the man had dropped once Rafe attacked him.

"Just stay down." Rafe seethes, fishing through the guards pockets.

"Don't move." Everleigh scolds him. She turned the safety on, something JJ taught her how to do, and pointed it at the guard. Once Rafe had him under control, Everleigh took a curtain from the bed. "Rafe just tie him up."

Rafe took his keys and phone. Once they left the room, Rafe shut and locked the door. "This way, come on." Rafe whispers, leading them to a staircase.

They ran down the stairs, stage leading the way even though he didn't have the weapon. "Hey, hey, hey, wait. Rafe. Rafe."

"What?" He whisper shouts, turning around not knowing him and Everleigh were just a few inches apart.

She cleared her throat and took a step back, "Let me see the phone." When he questioned her, she offered him the gun. "Just give it to me." When he takes the gun she grabs the phone, "Safety's on. Be careful."

"You ready?" He asks her, and she nods, opening the door for them to go through. Once it was open, he had a clear view out a window. "Shit. This way." He banked around a staircase, but she went the other way, into a room with no windows.

She took a picture of the painting she was previously looking at.

"What are you doing? Let's go." Rafe whisper shouts. She puts her phone number into the phone and sends the message to herself, "Ev, come on."

She followed the route he was taking, now a step behind him again. They finally made it outside, making it to a fence that he peered through to scout for an open area.

Everleigh pulled herself up to look over the fence, she saw a truck full of straw being driven away. "Hey, I've got an idea, let's go."

They ran through a gate, racing to catch up to the truck. Her stomach hurt like she was being repeatedly punched in the stomach, but she pushed through. Freedom and friends were more important than recovery at the moment.

"They're slowing down!" She smiles, "Come on, come on."

They hop over the hedges and grab onto the back of the truck and pull themselves up. But the second they get their heads over, a man is looking right back at them.


He pulls himself in, "Yeah, I've got it." He ran at the man, pushing him into the back windshield of the truck.  He started swinging at the man, the first punch knocking him out cold.

"Rafe." She breathes as he continues swinging, eventually they both got pushed over, and Rafe kicked the man in the face. His breathing was heavy when he pulled the stunned man back to his feet. Then, he threw him over the side of the truck. "No... oh my god." Everleigh looks up at Rafe in fear, but he wouldn't look back at her.

"Look, Ev, worry about it later." He mumbles, still not even flickering his eyes in her direction. "We gotta cover ourselves."

She just nods and they both start to dig their hiding spots, then covering themselves in the hay and the tarp. They were facing each other but she kept her eyes closed, squeezing them when they came to a full stop. They finally started moving again, and Everleigh opened her eyes, she looked at Rafe, but he was already looking, so she looked down avoiding his gaze.

Once they felt safe, they revealed themselves. They sat with their backs against the tarps, breathing the fresh air. "I told you we just had to work together. Alright, listen, I'm headed out to my boat, okay? I can give you a ride. Drop you wherever. Somewhere safe."

This is where her side of the plan finally came together. She knew Rafe would do nearly anything to finally get on her good side, and this was handing her too good of an opportunity.

"One thing though. Look at me." She turned her head and looked at him. His eyes were blue like JJ's. But they didn't remind her of the ocean, or diamonds when she looked into them. They reminded her of the cold, and ice. "I know your friends are on the island. And my sister. I'm not helping them. Alright, I can't trust them. I'll give you a ride and not them, okay?"

She fought off a smile. "I just wanna get off the island."

He smiles and sat up straight. "That's smart. You know, I know you've always been a Pogue, but I wish you would've given me one shot, Ev. I would've done made your life about a million times better."

Her brows furrow together, "I find that hard to believe, how could you make my life that much better?"

"I mean I always liked you, Ev." He smirks at her and then laughs. "Fancy dinners and a comfortable home with a stable family. No dirty Pogues constantly being around and no need to steal the necklace you'd been looking for. I would've given it all to you."

She decided against starting an argument against the straight up insults.

The truck finally comes to a stop and Everleigh and Rafe jumped off. "Come on. My boat's down here." She follows closely behind him, looking at the beautiful boat in front of her. "Make sure your shoes are off. Okay, we should have enough juice to get us to Saint Lucia, no problem. Hey, get in the boat."

She stood and watched him pace around on the dock, prepping the boat to leave.

"Ev!" He shouts down to her, looking at her standing on the dock.

She takes a deep breath, squinting in the sunlight. "You're not gonna pull anything if I get in?"

"No, I'm not gonna pull anything, okay?" He stresses looking at her ridiculously. "I'm trying to do you a solid here. You really wanna be back there with Singh, or do you wanna be somewhere safe? Can you please help me with the bowline?" She pulls off her boots and steps onto the large boat. "Thank you."

Everleigh moves to the front of the boat, planning out the last details of her final move in her plan. "Hey, uh, I... I can't get it."

"What?" Rafe asks her, peeking his head up again.

She looks back at him, the wind blowing her hair in her face. "I need some help."

"Goddamn, do I have to do everything?" He asks under his breath, thinking that she couldn't hear what he was saying. He rushed down the steps to get to the front of the boat. "Move." He orders her, climbing over the front railing of the boat.

"Hey, Rafe." She says with a smile.

He looks at her confused, as he finishes pulling the bowline. "What?"

"I'm not sorry." She shakes her head and before he can react, she shoves him into the water, sprinting to get to the hull.

"Ev!" He screams as the boat starts moving. "Hey, Ev! Where you going?"

She looks down at him treading water, knowing her friends would be so proud of her if they could've witnessed this. "I've gotta help my friends!"

She used the controls that she remembered JJ and John B teaching her. She drove to a spot that no one could swim to, pulling the phone from her pocket. She looked through the contacts, and found Jimmy Portis. The Pogues had his phone.

"Met @ pin 6:15 P4L." Was what she wrote with a smile. A breath of fresh ocean air never felt better and she decided just a few minutes of light sleep wouldn't hurt.

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