Chapter Ninety-Five

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JJ's eyes lit up which meant he had some sort of idea where to go, even if it wasn't promising.

They pull up to an area Everleigh hadn't ever seen before, but apparently JJ was familiar with it. "Okay, now, so let me get this straight. So, because you know a guy with the same last name as Neville, you think they've gotta be related. That's your master plan?" John B interrogates JJ as they climb out of the van. JJ opened the door for Everleigh to climb out as she looked around uncertain of what they were getting into.

"Right, okay, how many people do you know with the last name Persaud." JJ asks John B, Everleigh drifting at JJ's side. "I met a guy here last summer with my cousin 'cause we're doing the growing business. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Last name Persaud. Or wait, was it Percett?"

Everleigh stopped JJ, standing in front of him. "Look, JJ, you've gotta get this straight." She tells him, and his eyes flicker between her and John B. "I have to get home for Mr. and Mrs. Carrera's party, I can't be here all night."

"More importantly this is our dad's life." John B adds, making JJ get a little frustrated.

"No, no, no. I know. I know, Mr. Persaud." He reassures them, trying to calm the twins down. "Trust me, it's cool." JJ pats John B on the chest and wraps his arm around Everleigh. "Hey, uh, Mr. P, right?" JJ asks a man as he approaches him.

The man instantly smiles, apparently recognizing JJ. "Hey!" He exclaimed.

"Yeah. I told you. Yeah, yeah, yeah, what's going on man?" JJ acts all friendly with him fist bumping him with his free arm. "Hey, so we're looking for Neville. Is he still here?"

"Nah, nah, nah, he's out there." The man points out towards the water. "Been holding up near Doe Creek. In his houseboat, way, way back."

They walk along a trail until they figure they're back far enough to get in the water. John B and JJ get in right away but Everleigh stops. "You guys aren't serious, are you?" She asks, making them both turn around.

"Come on, Ev. We don't really have time for this." John B groans.

JJ looks at John B, then Everleigh. "Please just come, I'll carry you on my shoulders."

"Not happening." Everleigh deadpans. "I don't need your help." She mumbles, slowly climbing into the water. It wasn't cold but it also wasn't warm, it was dirty but nothing that she wasn't used to.

"Alright, so, we're looking for a house boat." JJ says, scanning the surrounding area.

But they all spotted it at the same time, "That looks like a houseboat." John B says.

"Do you guys think he's there?" Everleigh asks.

"Only one way to find out." JJ says. The other two figured that he meant going up to the boat. So when they turned their backs on him, they jumped when they heard his voice again. "Neville! Hey!"

John B and Everleigh each slap their hands over JJ's mouth making him pull away. "Stop it!" John B whisper yells at him.

"Dude, what?" JJ asks as if he'd done nothing wrong at all.

"JJ, what do you mean what? He thinks people are trying to kill him. He's probably packing." Everleigh tells him, running her hand through her hair.

"Ah, okay, so it's a death trap." JJ says, not really understanding what they were getting at.

"Yeah, unfortunately, we don't have a choice." John B sighs. "He's the only guy alive who knows where my dad is."

Everleigh hadn't even notices that she was squeezing the color out of her wrist. "Let's just go." She shakes her head, starting to swim in the water and towards the boat.

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