One Last Fight

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Corey-Chapter 42

"Let's toast to good friends, happy families, and to new beginnings!" Thane says lifting his glass. "Cheers!"

He bought a house and threw this party to celebrate. It's not like him to plant root, but he plans to settle down because he has a baby on the way.

When he found out, he drank himself in a stupor before he talked to me, and I get why, his situation is complicated because he's not in a relationship with the mother of his child, and he will have to give up parts of his lifestyle to become responsible. He knows the road ahead will be rocky, but he's ready to do whatever it takes to accommodate the child.

Images of Liaison with a swollen belly flash in my mind, and I wince as the wound deepens in my heart. It's forever doing that these days. I miss her.

I haven't seen her in months so I wonder how well she's doing in sorting herself out.

She and I know the reason was bullshit. I saw the lie in her eyes as she told it, but I had to let her go because she needs to figure out what she wants without my interference, however, as soon as she comes to realization, I'm going to tie her to me because I'm done chasing her.

"Bro, you look angry as fuck.

Thane's voice draws me back to the present and I drink the rest of my champagne then clear my throat to say, "just lost in a thought...great party though."

"Thinking about Lee again huh? I say fuck it, call her."

Thane apologized for what he said about Liaison. He mistook what she and I have for something else and spoke out of anger. We moved passed it, and now that he knows now how I feel about her, he hasn't stop pushing me to get in touch.

"Forget it man, let's drink and have fun," I tell him shoving the phone away.

If Liaison wanted to talk, she would have called me so I have to keep respecting the space that she needs.

"In case you haven't noticed, I've been doing that. You, on the other hand, need something to take your mind off her."

When he pulls a flask from his jacket, I cover my glass with one hand. "I'm good thanks."

"Look, it's either you call her or fuck someone else. You've been down ever since Liai--" My look forbids him from mentioning her name. "You're a drag when you're miserable, that's all I'm saying."

"Fuck you, Thane."

"Fine, don't listen to me..."he says emptying the flask in his glass then he throws it back. "...but I can't have you dampening my party."

"I'm going back to the hotel, try not to get anyone else pregnant." I poke walking away.

"That's low man, you're a dick!" He says patting my shoulders as I walk pass him and I tell him to call me if he gets too drunk and needed a ride.

After that, I head back to the hotel that I'm staying in, I've been there since Liaison left because I don't have it in me to go back to her place nor do I want to go home so I'm living in my penthouse until she returns.


I go for a shower when I get back and Liaison pops in my mind the second the water comes on, so I set the water to cold and grit my teeth as the icy blast beats down on me. It's seeping through my pours and freezing my blood but I can't stop my cock from getting stiff.


I can't help it and start to jerk off while I imagine Liaison's tight pussy instead of my hand, but it doesn't ease the ache. I'm driven out of my mind with need, so I squeeze and stroke harder to chase the release.

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