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                                                                         Corey Chapter- 22

After I spoke with Liaison yesterday, I took the jet back today and landed earlier than expected. When I arrived home, she already left for her class at the university, so I waited for her to get back, but after certain time passed, I got worried. It's a good thing I went looking for her because only God knows what would have happened if I didn't get there the time I did.

When I saw the filthy scum harassing her, I lost it. I panicked so bad hearing her scream then pure rage burned through me when he snatched her. I forgot who I was when he pushed her to the ground. I've never felt fury like that before

My fists are hurting from where I punched that scumbag and my bottom lip stings from the cut I suffered where he punched me, but he's lucky that the cops arrived because I wanted to inflict serious injuries to him for touching her.

I may get a minor charge for beating him up but that's nothing. Now I have to put that aside to make sure Liaison is alright. She is my number one priority.

She hasn't stopped crying since we got in the car and my heart is hurting from it. I hate seeing her like this, so helpless and broken. I didn't take her to the hospital like I said I would. I took her home and called my private doctor instead. He came over with all of his equipments and now he's looking at an x-ray of her wrist. It's badly swollen with black and red bruises.

"Can you give her something to ease her John?"

"I will write a prescription for an anti-inflammatory. The splint should help to with the pain."

"No, I mean... she hasn't stopped crying since the attack. Can you give her something to sooth her?"

John gets what I'm suggesting and jots something down on the prescription.

"She will have to ice her wrist for few days. I will come back in a week to check if any fluid gets built-up around the area."

He preps an injection after that, then he moves to Liaison. "I'm giving her a sedative. She'll fall asleep soon. It should last for seven to eight hours."

John gives her the shot and I watch Liaison physically start to calm.

"Will she be staying here? She will need someone to watch over her. It's important that she is monitored"

"I'll be taking care of her. What do I need to know?" I ask confident.

"She might be a little groggy with few impairment issues when she wakes, but it'll wear off. For safety reasons she shouldn't be left alone, drive or lift anything heavy. She's had a pretty awful night and no doubt in need of plenty of rest."

"I'll see that she has everything. Thank you, John."

"If I might add, you're looking pretty rough too, I can check you over."

It's been a long night and I just want take care of Liaison so I say, "no, I'm fine, but if anything crops up, I'll contact you."

After John packs up and leaves, I pull up a chair next to the bed and watch a drowsy Liaison staring off in the distance. I watched until her eyes slowly shut then her breathing turns deep as she falls to sleep.


Two hours passed and I'm still watching her. My back's starting to get stiff from sitting for so long but I can't seem to tear myself away. I want to be here in case she wakes up because I don't want her being afraid when she does. One thing she kept saying when I rescued her was, "not again". I'm no fool, the only reason someone would say that, is if they've experienced something like that before. If that's the case, I don't know how I will handle it. I already feel dark thoughts consuming me as I sit here contemplating how I can really make that guy pay.

Curious about her past, I pull out my laptop from my bedside table and fire it up. I don't want to do this but I can't stand it anymore. I want to find out everything there is to know about her.

I begin my searches starting with social media websites. I checked most of the popular ones and there isn't anything online about her. It makes me wonder why. I mean everyone in this day and age have had something posted online about them, so why doesn't she have a social media account.

Not finding what I'm looking for, I switch system to dig a little deeper. I haven't hacked a computer before but I know how. It's something that I picked up in college when I took the I.T program.

After I disable the firewalls to the city's hospital records, I go back to the beginning of her life. Liaison was born on the twenty-fourth of September nineteen ninety-six to a woman named Valerie Truant. The father's name is not listed on the birth certificate, and it's recorded that her mother died few days after giving birth.

Digging deeper, I find out Liaison was kept in a special ward because she was premature. I read the struggles she went through as a baby and my eyes burn with unshed tears. I skipped through certain parts because she went through a lot in her young life which I find it hard to read, but I smile in some places because she proves resilience, even as a newborn.

The next trail I pick up is when she went into foster care. The first woman who fostered her didn't take her to get the relevant vaccinations and Liaison got very sick. She was in and out of hospital due to her foster mom's negligence and low immune system.

At ten, she was placed with a couple who adopted her with another child, a little boy called Jared. Information trails off as it seems these people provided good parentage. There are no more evidence of her back in the care system.

Reading further, at fifteen, Liaison was rushed to the emergency room for severe wounds and lacerations to the abdomen and while she underwent surgery, she had a mild heart attack. She almost died.

That was unexpected and I stop reading to look at her. Sorrow comes over me and I mourn for the little girl. My heart turns heavy and my head hurts with the pain she must have felt. She had no one to care or protect her. The urge to care for her is overwhelming now. I want to be her protector.

Looking back at the computer, I get guilty. I shouldn't be reading this; these are her secrets. Ones she should tell me, but she's guarding them and keeping me at bay. Doing the right thing, I close the lid and send it to sleep.

It's time for me to show Liaison that I'm the man who she needs. If she won't tell me about her past, my only option is to force it out of her. She might hate me for it too, but after I'm done with her, she will change her mind.

Never taking my eyes off her I get up and head to the bathroom. I'm satisfied with the decision that I have made. I will have to hurt her a little to heal her a lot and there's no other way.

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