I Quit

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                                                                       Liaison Chapter - 24

Katherine and I are packing in some calories at the dessert bar. I'm still on pain meds and as a result I can't drown myself in alcohol. I told her about my attack and she fumed on my behalf. Now, I'm telling her what's going on between Corey and I. I omitted some details like sleeping with him because I don't want to make it seem like I've ignored her warnings. I value her opinions and I'm afraid of what she will say.

"Oh my God! That's exactly why I keep telling you to stay away from them. They have a sordid past and deserves one another."

"I know... you told me a hundred times."

"And I will tell you a hundred more, doll. Those three are trouble! And involving yourself with Thane is going to piss Corey off...that's his best friend. Don't do it!"

"Kat, I already told you. Nothing happened between us."

That's the truth. After Corey left us, we grabbed some things from the fridge and sat by the pool. There I broke down over the attack then I passed out on what I supposed was exhaustion. Later when I woke up, Thane walked me back inside and we said goodnight before I went to bed.

"Okay fine, but still, don't get involved with Thane," she cautions again.

"Why? Why are you so adamant about this? What do you know?" I question outright because her warnings are really getting to me.

"...Corey and Thane have a competitive streak and sometimes things can get- a little... much with them. You might end up hurt if you get between those two, and the relationship Beth and Corey has is strange. They're always breaking up to make up. Corey's been with a lot of women, but she's the one who he seems to go back to. Every single time. That's why I keep warning you."

Ok so this piece of revelation doesn't come as a shock to me. I already know that Corey and Thane have a competitive streak. That day when Corey saw me and Thane in the kitchen, I saw jealousy in him. I know it's the reason he took me from my room that night.

Regarding Beth, I just feel ashamed of myself. How could I do such a thing? Her marriage to Corey is already doomed before it's started, and it's all because of me. I'm a fucking horrible person. Hating it, I stuff my face with cookie dough and vanilla ice-cream to mask my guilt and anxiety as Katherine starts up again.

"They've been back and forth for years; you know he proposed to her the night of the ball? He got her a ring."

I remember. She showed him the ring that I was wearing, but to send her off his trail, he told her to pick something else. That was right before he barged his way into my life.

"I was at the spa the other day, and the nail technician filled me on the juiciest piece of gossip."

Taking another spoonful of the sweet stuff, I lean closer to urge her on. "Oh, do tell."

"Well, apparently the nail tech overheard Beth scheduling an appointment to visit a sex clinic."

"Noo-" I start but a piece of dough gets lodged at the back of my throat. Reaching for my glass of water, I take a big gulp to wash it down. "Is Beth like that though? She doesn't strike me as the type to sleep around. She's too into Corey."

"The water thing happened to me too. I couldn't believe it myself, and for your information, Beth is the biggest whore in town, she just masks it well."

I can't believe what I'm hearing. I wonder if Corey knows it too. I don't see him as the type who would involve himself with someone who everyone else is having or have had.

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