Silver Platter

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                                                                        Liaison Chapter-17

Corey staring down at me with desire flooding his onyx eyes makes me hot. He's screwing me and he's huge. I feel too filled but I love how his cock is hitting against my walls as my body undulates deliciously beneath him. I'm so desperate for him to make me come

"Please!" I beg again.

"Okay baby, hold on tight."

He tips my hips and in this position my body tightens as the first ripple of an orgasm tears through me.

"Yes... oh god yes. Please...please don't stop. I'm coming, I'm com-ahh! Corey, Coreeee!"

I'm chanting his name like a woman does to her saviour then something jerks me and I lose the images of my dreams. In my slumber, I feel myself moving. There's a slight chill that makes me shiver so I snuggle into the warm body that's carrying me.

As I fight to get back to the good part of my dream, the part where I was about to have the best orgasm of my life, I feel myself back in bed again. Yeah, that's more like it.

The pillow feels and smells different to mine when I snuggle into it.. The scent is familiar though, I know it from somewhere. I like the smell of apples so I take another sniff while I make myself cozy under the covers. Everything is different with this bed then I realize that it's not my bed and alarm bells go off in my head. Shooting up, I snap my eyes open then try to orientate myself from the sudden wakeup. Looking around, I recognize that I'm in Corey's room.

"What the hell?" I say out loud while I wonder how the hell did I end up in here?

"That's what I keep asking myself Liaison."

Corey's melancholic voice startles me and I jump. I didn't expect him to be here, in his bed, with me.

I see his thigh muscles tense on top of the covers and I turn to look over my shoulder at him. "Corey, you better have a good reason for why I'm here," and a good explanation for ruining the best dream orgasm you were giving to me.

"I really don't have one Liaison. Other than, I need to talk to you about something and it cannot wait until tomorrow."

"Whatever it is, can't be that important for you to snatch me out of bed... in the middle of the night." Even though I'm scolding him, I don't try to move from where I am.

"I shouldn't have to snatch you."

"What are you talking about?" I ask twisting to look at him.

Sighing he leans back on the headboard and raises one leg to rest his arm on top of it. With his jaws ticking, he looks serious about what's bothering him so I calm down to let me him speak.

"It's about the other night, Liaison."

The way my name falls from his lips make my insides melt but the memory of what he said is like water poured on fire, I'm suddenly out. Embarrassment washes over me and I look away.

"Forget about it. I was drunk and I apologized. You don't have to-"

"Ever since I entered you-"

"Charming Corey," I snap not wanting to hear any more so I go to move off the bed.

"No stay...please."

Him saying please is new so I stop fiddling with the sheets and settle down to hear him out.

"There's no other way that I want to say this- I want you Liaison."

His declaration makes butterflies take flight in my tummy. My abdomen is rippling with the feel of them.

"That's not what I remember you saying," I remind him while I fight the flutters down.

He glances down the bed at me then he chuckles. "I'm surprise that you can even remember it. I should apologize for saying what I said but it's the truth. I don't want you drunk. When I take you, I want you sober with no regrets. I want you remembering that it was me inside you, me who made you... feel. I want to let you know that I...."

He breaks off and stare off in the distant. It looks like he's searching for an answer for the battle that he's fighting within himself.

"Let me know what?" I question gazing at him.

"I'm not like other men Liaison. I will hurt you, whether it's by my intentions or not, I will. That's why I shouldn't be wanting this with you."

He looks wary and I don't believe those words were meant for me. It seems like he's warning himself.

I know what he's trying to say, I know where this is going, and maybe it's the remnants of my dreams, but I hear my self say, "I want it too."

The eagerness in my voice makes me blush and I'm well-aware how easy I'm making this for him.

"You don't know what you're doing Liaison."

I wonder why people keep dictating to me. First Katherine now Corey. I feel like I must take control and let them know.

"I do. I'm a big girl and can take care of myself." To prove what I'm saying, I tell him the truth. "I want you too."

"I know you do. You don't think I see you but I can feel your eyes every time they fall on me. I know you were dreaming about me too. I heard you moaning my name."

Embarrassment causes my face to burn. I thought I was being careful when I stare at him, and how was I supposed to know that he would come into my room tonight.

"I watch you too," he confesses and it surprises me.

"Don't look so surprise Liaison. You're a beautiful woman. Don't you know it? Men are tripping over their feet just to look at you. They can't tear their lingering eyes away, I'm included."

"I hardly ever notice. Thane mentioned it earlier. He said that I could be a highly paid model but I think he was just being nice."

I don't know why I lied in this moment, and I don't know why I brought up Thane either, but something in what I said cause a change in Corey. His mood turns dark. His shoulders become tense and the veins in his arms gets more prominent when he clenches his fist.

"What about Beth?" I ask knowing our discussion is wrong on so many levels.

He doesn't like my question and his jaws begin to tick then he snarls, "I don't see how she's any of your business!" My question seems to annoy him but he carries on and say, "...and let me be clear here, I'm not asking for any commitments. I just want to use your body how I see fit. I want you under me, begging."

The images that form in my head makes me squeeze my thighs together. My body is thrumming with anticipation. I can't wait but I have to make sure there won't be any issues after we've done the deed.

"Corey, I don't want any complications where she's concerned-"

"Just so you're clear, I don't tend to fuck the women who works for me. You're the exception and for the life of me, I don't know why. Unless you do something to fuck shit up, you don't have to worry."

Even though I just handed myself to him on a silver platter, he doesn't seem satisfied. He looks tormented.

"Did I say something wrong? Or have you changed your mind? Because if you haven't, I'm ready."

He's a magnet and I'm drawn to him. I should run away from all this but I can't. What I said caused a low deep growl to break pass his lips and reaching across the bed he draws me to him.

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