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Corey Chapter 38

Raw jealousy and pure anger is coursing through my entire being as doubts begin to twist my heart. Liaison is the only one who can put an end to the madness inside my mind, but she's across the table putting on a show as she flirts with that guy.

It makes sense now. Nathaniel is Nate, the guy who she lost her virginity to. The knowledge cuts deep and I brim.

"Corey..." I keep ignoring Beth as I watch Liaison.

How dare she make a fool of me. If she thinks she's getting away with this shit, she has another thing coming.

"Corey, did you hear me?" Beth asks as I continue to ignore her.

I hate what Liaison is doing and I detest her for it. These are words I thought I would never put with her name in a sentence, but as I watch them, the feelings become strong.


"What Beth!! What do you want?"

Few people stop to look when I snap, but when I stare back at them, they go back to minding their business.

Leaning in Beth whispers, "can I see you later? We or-"

I have no desire to take part in the mundane conversation Beth's ready to have and knowing her intension, I say. "I'm not interested in you or your fucking chats. Leave me alone."

Finally getting it, she re-joins the others and I notice the dirty glares coming my way. Some from her friends but it's mostly Rebecca who wants to kill, and I don't care.

I barely eat as I watch Liaison and when dinner is over, she excuses herself and so do Nate. I don't want to believe what I'm witnessing, so I give her the benefit of the doubt, but after time passed and she doesn't come back, I break.

I need to find out if she's been using me and I get up to go confront her but as I maneuver around the table, Nate comes back without her. When he looks at me, I don't miss the goad in his eyes, but for now, I'll let it slide because there's someone more important to deal with.


Where the fuck is, she? I'm walking around the deck looking for Liaison, and as I do, my mind strays on the possibility of breaking things off.

It's wounding when I think about it, because the connection I feel with her is strong. I think I've falling in love but obviously she doesn't feel the same, but whatever happens between us, I cannot let tonight go unjust in any way.

She's nowhere up top so I head back to our cabin. When I get there, I find the door locked with the keys and fingerprint pad. The rage that's boiling inside me spills over because on top of everything, she's trying to keep me out. I am beyond pissed now.

It takes few minutes to open the door and when I go in, I slam it shut then I bellow, "Liaison, get in here now!"

Minutes pass before she stumbles out the bedroom wrapped in a bathrobe. It looks like she was in the shower and my jealous mind makes me question why she would take a shower after having one a couple of hours ago. Not unless....

"What the fuck was that? And who is he to you?" I have millions of questions, but those two are the most pressing.

She doesn't answer as she looks away, like she doesn't want me to see the guilt in her eyes, so I pull her shoulder to turn her and when I see her, she looks like shit, and guilt is definitely clouding her eyes.

Her orbs are bleak and puffy, bags have formed under them. Her nose and cheeks are blotchy too. It looks like she's been crying but I noticed how much she has been drinking and she must be suffering the effects, so I don't allow myself to care because all I want are my answers.

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